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Jim Himes' Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CT) - District 4

Date Title
02/24/2020 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Rep. Jim Himes (D- CT) Is Interviewed About Russia's Ongoing Election Meddling
02/21/2020 CNN "Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Jim Himes
12/05/2019 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Interview With Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT); Giuliani Back in Ukraine; House Proceeds With Articles of Impeachment
11/24/2019 CBS "Face the Nation" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Jim Himes
11/10/2019 NBC "Meet the Press" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Jim Himes
11/08/2019 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) Is Interviewed About Fiona Hill's Testimony;
10/30/2019 CNN "Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Himes
10/29/2019 CBS "Face the Nation" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Jim Himes
10/21/2019 MSNBC "The Rachel Maddow Show" - Transcript: "Facebook takedowns"
10/20/2019 CBS "Face the Nation" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Jim Himes
10/17/2019 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: "Interview with Rep. Jim Himes"
06/24/2019 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Jim Himes
05/14/2019 CNN "Anderson Cooper 360" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. James Himes
04/18/2019 CNN "Anderson Cooper 360" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. James Himes
01/18/2019 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT)
01/03/2019 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Interview With Connecticut Congressman Jim Himes
03/15/2018 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Trump Organization Subpoenaed
02/26/2018 CNN "Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees" Transcript: FISA Memos