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Kurt Schrader's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

Date Title
08/12/2022 Schrader Issues Statement on the Inflation Reduction Act
04/29/2021 Schrader, Guthrie Bipartisan Solution to Lower Drug Costs Signed Into Law
05/14/2020 Wagner Introduces Bipartisan Alternative to Help Americans Keep Health Insurance
05/14/2020 Davis, Schrader Lead Bipartisan Alternative to Help Americans Keep Health Insurance
08/02/2019 Kuster Leads House Democrats in Effort to Save Pre-Existing Condition Protections from Harmful Trump Administration Rule Pushing Junk Plans
05/07/2019 Schrader, Bilirakis, Thompson, Buchanan Introduce Bill to Protect Seniors' Access to Health Care
02/27/2019 New Democrat Coalition Releases Health Care Task Force Goals for The 116th Congress
12/13/2018 House Passes Welch Legislation Closing Drug Company Loophole
12/12/2018 Schrader, Welch Legislation to Close Billion Dollar Medicaid Drug Rebate Loophole Passes the House
04/26/2018 New Democrat Coalition Health Care Task Force Introduces Two Bills to Cut Health Care Costs and Expand Coverage to Millions
10/13/2017 New Dem Health Care Leaders Slam Trump's Ending of Cost Lowering Payments
10/13/2017 Schrader Slams Trump Announcement to End Cost Lowering Health Care Payments as Pure Spite
09/28/2016 Schrader Introduces Bill to Close Medicare Part B-COBRA Loophole
07/14/2015 Newsletter - A Congressional Update from Congressman Schrader
06/25/2015 Schrader Applauds SCOTUS King v. Burwell Decision
10/01/2013 Schrader Statement on GOP Government Shutdown
07/11/2012 Schrader Statement on House Vote to Repeal the Affordable Care Act
06/28/2012 Schrader Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Care Act
03/09/2008 Meet Kurt Schrader