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Marcia Fudge's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action

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Date Title
09/21/2020 Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge Statement on House Passage of the C.R.O.W.N Act
05/01/2020 In Response to Rising Unemployment, Democrats Introduce Legislation to Invest $15 Billion in Workforce Training Needed to Relaunch the Economy
12/17/2019 Rep. Fudge Statement on Declining Employee Morale at USDA
12/03/2019 Congresswoman Fudge and Congresswoman Moore Introduce Legislation to Fight Poverty and Honor Unpaid Work
11/19/2019 Rep. Fudge Decries USDA Official's Claims Discrimination Complaints Used to Punish Managers
09/19/2019 Rep. Fudge Statement on United Auto Workers Strike
07/18/2019 Rep. Fudge Statement on House Passage of the Raise the Wage Act
05/10/2019 Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge Statement on USDA Workers Unionizing
05/03/2019 Schakowsky Leads Letter to SSA Demanding the Abandonment of Anti-Union Policies
06/27/2018 Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge Releases Statement Following Supreme Court Decision in Janus Labor Union Case
06/02/2016 Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge Statement on Ohio House Bill 180
05/26/2016 Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge Statement on $15 Minimum Wage
05/19/2016 Payne, Jr., Nearly 90 Members Issue Joint Statement on Verizon Labor Negotiations
07/01/2015 E-Newsletter: Before You Enjoy the July 4th Holiday...
06/19/2015 Joint Statement by Co-Sponsors of Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Responding to Rep. Walberg's Pregnant Workers Bill
06/02/2015 E-Newsletter: June 2015
05/01/2015 Rep. Marcia L. Fudge Introduces the Community STEM Learning Act of 2015
08/29/2014 Newsletter: Rep. Fudge on the Colbert Report -- Happy Labor Day
01/28/2014 Congresswoman Fudge Statement on the State of the Union Address
01/18/2012 Congresswoman Fudge: " No More Political Games. We Need to Focus on Jobs"
12/20/2011 Rep. Fudge: "No More Political Games"
11/09/2011 Veterans Day Message: Congresswoman Fudge Salutes Veterans, Urges Congress to Keep its Promises to Troops in Harm's Way
10/25/2011 Rep Fudge Introduces Bill to Fix Crumbling Bridges, Put Ohioans Back to Work
09/08/2011 Statement on President Obama's Joint Session Address
08/09/2011 CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript

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