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Michael Bennet's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

Date Title
05/11/2022 Bennet Statement on Vote to Debate Women's Health Protection Act
01/19/2022 Bennet Urges Colleagues to Pass Voting Rights Legislation and Restore the Senate In Floor Speech
12/16/2021 ICYMI: Bennet Discusses Urgent Need to Pass Voting Rights, Extend the Child Tax Credit with Katy Tur on MSNBC
03/03/2021 Bennet, Hickenlooper, Colleagues Reintroduce Background Check Expansion Act to Reduce Gun Violence
02/02/2021 Klobuchar Urges Biden Administration to Establish a White House Office for Democracy Reform
01/26/2021 Bennet, 37 Senate Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Raise the Federal Minimum Wage to $15
03/16/2020 Bennet Introduces Bill to Protect Quarantined Workers From Being Fired or Punished by Employers Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
06/13/2017 Bennet Cosponsors "No Hearing, No Vote Act"
05/18/2017 Bennet, Gardner, Franken Introduce Bill to Ban Members of Congress from Becoming Lobbyists
04/04/2017 Bennet, Gardner Aim to Hold Senate Accountable During Government Shutdowns
03/12/2015 Bennet, Gardner Aim to Hold Senate Accountable during Government Shutdowns
11/21/2013 Bennet Statement on Senate's Vote to End Obstruction, Reform Filibuster for Nominations
06/19/2013 Bennet Proposes Effort to Fix Campaign Finance System with Constitutional Amendment
02/01/2012 Bennet, Tester Push for Lifetime Ban on Members of Congress from Becoming Lobbyists, Close Revolving Door
01/27/2011 Senate Agrees to Rules Changes, Package Contains Bennet Proposals
01/26/2011 Bennet Joins Colleagues to Stop Congressional Pay Raise
05/07/2010 Bennet: Secret Holds Have No Legitimate Place in the Senate or Our Democracy
04/28/2010 As Special Interests Obstruct Wall Street Reform, Bennet Introduces Bill to Limit Influence of Washington Lobbyists
04/01/2010 Bennet: Coloradans' Ideas Will Make Washington Work Better for the People
02/21/2009 Sen. Bennet Wraps up West Slope, High Plains Town Hall Tour on Economic Recovery Efforts