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Barbara Comstock's Public Statements on Issue: National Security

Date Title
06/21/2018 Letter to the Hon. Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General, the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Hon. Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security - Keeping Families Together at Border
05/29/2018 Letter to the Hon. Jeff Sessions, Attorney General - Rutherford, Members of Congress Send Letter to AG Sessions to Release Guidance on STOP School Violence Act Grants
05/29/2018 Letter to the Hon. Jeff Sessions, Attorney General - Implement STOP School Violence Act
03/08/2018 Letter to the Hon. John Culberson, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, the Hon. Jose Serrano, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, the Hon. Tom Cole, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, and the Hon. Rosa DeLauro, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies - Letter to Appropriators Seeking School Safety Improvements
02/02/2018 Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader, the Honorable Rodney Frelinghuysen, Chairman and the Honorable Nita Lowey, Ranking Member of House Appropriations Committee - Include Opioid Crisis Emergency Funding in Next Government Funding Bill
08/17/2017 Letter to the Hon. Alice Wells, Acting Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs and the Hon. David Hale, US Ambassador to Pakistan - Congress Members Send Letter Expressing Strong Concerns about Human Rights in Sindh
04/03/2017 Letter to the Hon. Chairman John Carter and the Hon. Ranking Member Lucille Roybal-Allard of the House-Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Homeland Security - Pascrell, Donovan Letter Calls for Increased Anti-Terrorism Funding
04/19/2016 Letter to The Honorable Mac Thornberry, Chairman House Armed Services, The Honorable Adam Smith, Ranking Member House Armed Sevices, The honorable J. Randy Forbes, Chairman House Armed Services Committee, The Honorable Joe Courtney, Ranking Member House Armed Services Committee - Support for LCS Program
02/05/2016 Letter to Commissioner Ostroff - Urge to Act on Zika Virus
12/16/2015 Letter to the Hon. Susan Rice, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs - Urgeing Administration to Weigh in on Wassenaar
07/07/2015 Letter to Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security - Dulles International Airport Loss Claim Payouts
06/17/2015 Letter to Katherine Archuleta, Director of the United States Office of Personnel Management - OPM Hacking
06/09/2015 Letter to Jack Requa, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Interim General Manager and Chief Executive Officer - Demanding Immediate Action to Ensure all Power Cable Connector Assemblies are Properly Installe
03/20/2015 Letter to the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States - Iran Nuclear Negotiations
03/05/2015 Letter to James Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - Brief On Teen Said To Aid A Man To Get To Syria
02/13/2015 Letter to Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader - Debate Blocking