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Adam Kinzinger's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure

Date Title
08/12/2021 Rep. Kinzinger Applauds Senate Action on Infrastructure
07/22/2021 Kinzinger, Connolly, Maloney, Burchett Reintroduce Bipartisan Passport Backlog Elimination Act
12/08/2020 Kaptur, Kinzinger Introduce Bipartisan Transatlantic Telecommunications Security Act
09/06/2018 E&C Urges Senate to Move on Self-Driving Car Legislation
01/10/2018 Problem Solvers Caucus Releases Report with Bipartisan Policy Recommendations to Rebuild America's Infrastructure
06/28/2017 The SEAT Act Moves Forward in Congress
06/23/2017 Congressman Cohen to Offer SEAT Act as an Amendment to FAA Reauthorization Bill
12/19/2016 Reps. Cohen and Kinzinger to Reintroduce Airplane SEAT Act Early Next Year
12/09/2016 Rep. McNerney's Bipartisan Bill to Improve Broadband Access for Veterans Passes House
11/05/2015 House Advances Kinzinger Amendment to Protect Illinois Consumers and Businesses
03/25/2015 Gardner, Coons, Welch, Kinzinger Introduce Bipartisan Energy Efficiency Legislation
07/29/2014 Bipartisan Lawmakers Introduce Sanctions Against Russian Arms Dealer
06/23/2014 Kinzinger Energy Bill Passes House
06/16/2014 GOP Lawmakers Call for Airstrikes on Iraq to Counter ISIS Threat
05/20/2014 Kinzinger Votes to Improve U.S. Waterway Infrastructure
03/26/2014 Rep. Kinzinger Announces Full Funding for Marseilles Lock and Dam Repair
10/23/2013 Kinzinger Supports Legislation to Rehab Illinois' Waterways
10/04/2013 Kinzinger Supports House-passed Bills to Resume Critical Government Services
07/14/2012 Bill would encourage civilian EMT certification for veterans
06/07/2012 Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee Approves Bipartisan Bills to Boost Job Growth and Eliminate Red Tape
04/25/2012 Congresswoman Matsui Leads Letter Calling for Higher Speed Trains
04/23/2012 Kinzinger and Singer Call on Governor Quinn to Denounce Jackson's Airport Plan