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Will Hurd's Public Statements on Issue: National Security

On The Ballot: Campaign Suspended, Republican for President

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Date Title
06/25/2020 Congressional Cybersecurity Leaders Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Establish a National Cyber Director
05/20/2020 Hurd Helps Secure New Cyber Institute at University of Texas -- San Antonio
04/20/2020 Hurd on the Hill: America's Spirit Will Always Stand Stronger Than Any Foe
04/06/2020 Hurd on the Hill: Vital relief for Americans to weather the storm
03/23/2020 Hurd on the Hill: Tools to Get Americans Through The COVID-19 Pandemic
03/09/2020 Hurd on the Hill: Staying Vigilant as Coronavirus Continues
12/29/2019 Congressional Caucus on Black-Jewish Relations Condemns Attack on Rabbi's Home
07/17/2019 Hurd Bill to Combat Human Smuggling Networks Gains Traction
07/11/2019 Hurd Leads Bipartisan Effort to Utilize Intelligence to Address the Border Crisis
03/12/2019 Hurd Joins Colleagues To Improve Cybersecurity Of "Internet-Of-Things" (IoT) Devices
03/12/2019 Reps. Budd, Hurd, and Kelly Introduce Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2019
02/28/2019 Hurd Reaffirms Commitment to Border Patrol
02/11/2019 Hurd Meets with Finnish Delegation on Trade and Security Issues
01/22/2019 Hurd Continues Efforts to Strengthen National Security
08/29/2018 Hurd Returns from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala with Fresh Insight on Immigration, Border Security and Transnational Gangs
07/19/2018 Hurd Delivers Results for South and West Texas
07/13/2018 Former CIA Officer Supports Intelligence Community
06/25/2018 Hurd Meets with Ambassadors from El Salvador and Honduras to Discuss Immigration Crisis
06/19/2018 Reps Lieu and Hurd Urge House CAO to Adopt Multi-Factor Authentication in the House
06/13/2018 Hurd Homeland Security Bill Gains Traction in Senate
05/21/2018 Hurd Stands by Border Patrol Agents
05/09/2018 Republican Members of Congress Sign Discharge Petition to Force DACA Vote
04/10/2018 Hurd on the Hill: Energy Security is National Security
01/08/2018 Hurd to Tri-Chair Aspen Institute's Cyber Strategy Group
09/12/2017 Hurd Strengthens National Security with Data Framework Act

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