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Andy Barr's Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (KY) - District 6

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Date Title
06/14/2022 Barr: "Inexplicable" for Treasury to Extend Russian Energy Waiver
03/18/2022 Barr and Allen Introduce ESG Act to Protect Investors and Preserve Access to Capital for Energy Producers
02/02/2021 Gallagher, Colleagues Call for Hold on Secretary of Commerce Nomination
07/29/2020 Taylor, Lawson, Barr Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent Foreclosures and Protect American Jobs
04/07/2020 Statement from Rep. Andy Barr Calling for Expansion of Paycheck Protection Program
12/19/2019 Congressman Barr, Kentucky Stakeholders Praise House Passage of USMCA
10/24/2019 Republicans Press Zuckerberg on Facebook's Financial Innovation Outlook
12/21/2018 Barr Introduces Legislation to Protect Lending to Military
03/14/2018 Barr Statement on Senate passage of Reforms to Dodd-Frank Financial Control Law
01/17/2018 House Passes World Bank Accountability Act
01/09/2018 Subcommittee Examines Foreign Investment Process
12/14/2017 Subcommittee Examines CFIUS
11/02/2017 Barr Statement on Nomination of Jerome Powell as Chairman of the Federal Reserve
06/08/2017 Barr Votes for Financial CHOICE Act
04/27/2017 Barr Applauds Introduction of Financial CHOICE Act
03/22/2017 Subcommittee Examines the World Bank's Development Results and Accountability
02/17/2017 Senators McConnell, Paul and Congressman Barr Reintroduce Bourbon Bill
10/11/2016 U.S. Court Rules CFPB Structure is Unconstitutional
05/19/2016 Barr Introduces No Bailouts for State, Territory, and Local Governments Act
10/27/2015 Barr Votes for Free Markets, American Jobs
10/07/2015 House Passes Barr's Bill Reducing Exam Frequency for Outstanding Small Banks
06/18/2015 Barr Responds to CFPB's New TRID Effective Date
06/18/2015 Barr Votes to Hold Obama Administration Accountable in Trade Negotiations
04/22/2015 Barr Supports Bipartisan TPA Agreement
03/17/2015 Barr Introduces Financial Regulatory Reform Package

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