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Tom Price's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

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Date Title
06/03/2010 Price Urges Obama to Secure the Border
12/15/2009 Price Statement On House Democrats' Amnesty Proposal
08/03/2007 Democrats Manipulate Vote to Allow Benefits for Illegal Immigrants
06/27/2007 Price: "Our first and Foremost Priority is Securing Our Nations Borders and Enforcing the Rule of Law."
06/14/2007 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2008
06/11/2007 The Suburban Agenda
05/17/2007 Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2007
05/17/2007 Amnesty Proposal Compromises the Rule of Law
05/10/2007 Democrats Make Homeland Safety Less Secure
03/08/2007 Price Challenges Others to Help Close Illegal Immigration Loophole
03/01/2007 Price Amendment Calls for Hearings on Questionable Credit Card Program
03/01/2007 Employee Free Choice Act
10/26/2006 Price Applauds Signing of Border Fence Bill
10/20/2006 Price Applauds Signing of Border Fence Bill
10/12/2006 Rep. Price Applauds President's Comments on Border Security
10/05/2006 Secure the Border Legislation Becomes Law Under Republicans
09/21/2006 Price: Republicans Act Strongly to Control the Border
09/19/2006 Secure Borders
07/20/2006 The Wayward Reid-Kennedy Senate Immigration Bill
06/27/2006 Success With Troops on the Border
05/26/2006 Atlanta Journal-Constitution Editorial: Border Security The First Step
05/19/2006 Price: "Allowing Social Security for Illegals is Amnesty"
05/16/2006 National Guard is a Good First Step
05/15/2006 Price Response to President's Immigration Speech
04/05/2006 Immigration Reform a Must

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