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Tom Price's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch

Date Title
05/12/2016 Price Statement on Major GOP Victory Against Administration and Obamacare
03/17/2016 Price Supports House Action Against President's Executive Amnesty
06/26/2015 Price Responds To SCOTUS Marriage Ruling
06/25/2015 Price Responds to King v. Burwell Ruling
06/25/2015 Price Responds to King v. Burwell Ruling
06/04/2015 Price Introduces Measure To Address Possible King V Burwell Fallout
07/30/2014 Price: We Must Restore Accountability and the Rule of Law
05/07/2014 Price Votes for Special Counsel on IRS Targeting
01/13/2012 Price Supports Resolution Disapproving of President's Disregard for Rule of Law
11/15/2011 Price: "Hanging Over this Judicial Challenge is the Question of Whether Justice Elena Kagan Ought to Recuse Herself."
11/14/2011 Price Statement on Supreme Court Decision to Hear Challenges to President's Health Care Law
11/14/2011 GOP Doctors Caucus Responds To Supreme Court Review of Healthcare Law
07/29/2011 Price Introduces Bill to End the Practice of Defensive Medicine
08/05/2010 Price Statement on Kagan Confirmation
07/06/2010 Don't Sue Arizona, Just Secure the Border
05/11/2010 Price Statement on Kagan Nomination
04/16/2010 Day Of Prayer Not Unconstitutional
11/13/2009 Perilous Decision Treats 9/11 Terrorists Like Common Criminals
08/06/2009 Price Statement on Sotomayor Confirmation
06/09/2009 Hearing Of The Subcommittee On Capital Markets, Insurance, And Government Sponsored Enterprises Of The House Financial Services Committee; Subject: The Effective Regulation Of The Over-The-Counter Derivatives Markets Chaired By Representative Paul E. Kanj
06/08/2009 Supreme Court Tells Obama 'Not So Fast'
05/26/2009 Supreme Court Pick Must Embrace Impartiality, Rule of Law
03/14/2008 FISA: The Safety of the American People Must Come First