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Tim Scott's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Campaign Suspended, Republican for President

Date Title
10/22/2021 Sens. Cruz, Scott, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Block Democrats' IRS Spying Proposal
06/02/2021 Rosen, Scott, Booker Announce Formation of Bipartisan Senate Caucus on Black-Jewish Relations
04/12/2021 151 Organizations Endorse Bipartisan College Transparency Act
02/17/2021 Scott, Klobuchar Declare National Entrepreneurship Week and Reintroduce Legislation to Boost Entrepreneurship in 21st Century
02/05/2021 Senator Scott Fights Job-Killing Artificial Minimum Wage Hike
02/04/2021 Senate to Vote on Three Scott-Led Budget Amendments
01/22/2021 Sens. Coons & Scott, Reps. Adams & Hill announce HBCU Caucus for the 117th Congress
01/05/2021 Scott to Introduce Bill Establishing Election Integrity Commission
12/21/2020 More Than A Dozen Scott Provisions Included in COVID Relief, Year End Funding, and Tax Bills
12/11/2020 Scott Applauds Passage of FY21 NDAA
06/24/2020 Senate Democrats Block Police Reform from Coming to Communities Across America
01/09/2018 Senator Scott to Serve on Senate Armed Services Committee
01/12/2017 Senator Scott on First Votes of Obamacare Repeal Process
09/21/2016 Senators Launch Senate Opportunity Coalition
09/15/2016 Scott Votes for Charleston Port Deepening, Other Water Projects Around South Carolina
01/29/2015 Senator Scott to Chair Banking Subcommittee
12/16/2014 Senator Tim Scott to Host Open House in Washington, DC on the First Day of the 114th Congress
12/12/2014 Sen. Scott Joins Powerful Finance Committee, Banking Committee
08/06/2013 Enzi, Barrasso Defend Legislative Prayer
04/11/2011 Close-Knit, New to the House, and Resistant to Blending In