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Tim Scott's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Campaign Suspended, Republican for President

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Date Title
03/07/2022 Thune, Scott Introduce Legislation to Combat Workforce Challenges
03/09/2021 ICYMI: Senator Scott Calls Out Democrats' Partisan Spending Bill, Charts Path Forward for America
08/12/2020 Braun, Murkowski, Perdue, and Scott Honor Essential Workers with Disabilities in Senate Resolution
07/27/2020 Scott Provision Aiding Restaurant Workers Included In Relief Package
06/18/2020 Rubio, Cruz, Scott Introduce Bill to Expand PPP Eligibility to Chambers of Commerce and Destination Marketing Organizations
05/21/2020 Scott, Colleagues Introduce Helping Gig Economy Workers Act
05/20/2020 Sasse, Klobuchar, Booker, Scott Introduce Legislation to Help Unemployed American Workers Access Skills Training Programs During Coronavirus Pandemic
04/27/2020 Scott, Cortez Masto Applaud FHFA Decision to Allow Federal Home Loan Banks to Accept PPP Loans as Collateral
03/25/2020 Scott, Sasse, Graham Demand Immediate Fix to Life-Threatening Drafting Error in Emergency Bill
12/04/2019 Scott, Blackburn Introduce Modern Worker Empowerment Act to Enhance Gig Economy Workers
06/27/2018 Senator Scott Statement on SCOTUS Union Decision
05/25/2017 Corker Cosponsors Legislation to Reverse NLRB "Micro-Union" Decision
04/27/2017 Sen. Scott Reacts to Labor Secretary Nomination
02/15/2017 Senator Scott Statement on IAM Vote
01/23/2017 Senator Scott Statement on Trump Executive Orders
09/29/2016 Alexander, Collins, Lankford, Scott, Flake Introduce Bill to Protect Workers, Non-Profits, Colleges, Local Governments from Dec. 1 Overtime Rule
11/06/2015 Scott: Obama Chooses Paris over American Jobs with Keystone Pipeline Rejection
03/30/2015 Blog: Weekly Update from Senator Tim Scott 3/30/15
03/23/2015 Blog: Weekly Update from Senator Tim Scott 3/23/15
03/16/2015 Blog: Weekly Update from Senator Tim Scott 3/16/15
03/03/2015 Senate, House Leaders Introduce Bill to Provide Certainty to Employers Offering Innovative Employee Wellness Programs
02/24/2015 Scott Reacts to President's Short Sighted, Politically Motivated Veto of Keystone XL Pipeline
02/23/2015 Blog: Weekly Update from Senator Tim Scott
02/18/2015 Senator Scott Endorses Common Sense National Right to Work Legislation
01/29/2015 Senator Tim Scott Statement on Passage of Keystone XL Pipeline

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