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Keith Rothfus' Public Statements

Date Title
10/30/2018 Post-Gazette - Expanding Opportunity
11/07/2017 The Tribune-Democrat - Anti-Arbitration Rule Was Threat to Consumers
06/23/2017 Tribune Democrat - Why We Need the American Health Care Act
06/21/2017 Don't Believe the Misinformation - The AHCA is the Way Forward
05/30/2017 Tribune-Democrat - Financial CHOICE Act and the American dream
04/18/2017 The Philadelphia Inquirer - Make consumer-protection agency more accountable to taxpayers
02/21/2017 Johnstown Tribune-Democrat - Restoring control of nation to the people
02/18/2017 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Relief from Obamacare: a better system ahead
12/06/2016 Daily Signal - Dodd-Frank Must Go. Here's the Republican Plan to Save Community Banks, Spur Economic Growth.
07/28/2016 Pittsburgh Business Times - Rothfus: GOP's "Better Way' replacing Dodd-Frank
06/21/2016 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Rep. Keith Rothfus: The Iran Deal is Failing
06/20/2016 Townhall - Congressman Rothfus: Restoring the Consent of the Governed Through Regulatory Accountability
05/20/2016 Tribune-Democrat - Keith Rothfus: Combatting the heroin epidemic
12/14/2015 Rep. Rothfus: Don't Destroy Economy for Climate Deal
09/17/2015 Protect Women and Children From Planned Parenthood's Ghoulish Practices
04/08/2014 Somerset Daily American - Bureaucrats Should Take Responsibility For Regulations that Destroy Jobs, Reduce Wages
03/08/2014 Somerset Daily American - Bureaucrats Should Take Responsibility for Regulations that Destroy Jobs, Reduce Wages
02/17/2014 TribLive: Money Better Spent Caring for Veterans
01/28/2014 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Congress Must Meet Deadlines
11/03/2013 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Rehab Our Inland Waterways
10/12/2013 Beaver Countian - Western Pennsylvanians Expect, Deserve Bipartisan Cooperation
09/12/2013 Beaver Countian - Op-Ed: Without Answers, Our Nation Must Refrain from the Use of Military Force in Syria
08/29/2013 Beaver Countian - Op-Ed: Commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Speech with Service
06/12/2013 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - The VA is Failing the Nation's Veterans
04/15/2013 The Tribune-Democrat - America's Economy Can Boom Again