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Kamala Harris' Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for Vice President

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Date Title
01/18/2023 Tweet - "Small businesses are the engines of our economy. Since @POTUS and I took office, we've seen the two greatest years on record for new small business applications. More than 10.5 million applications have been submitted to date."
01/14/2023 Tweet - "Lowering costs for families is one of our Administration's top priorities. Under our Inflation Reduction Act, households can now save up to 30% on home energy efficiency improvements. Learn more at"
01/07/2023 Tweet - "I believe that when someone starts a small business, it is a true act of self-determination. Under our Administration, 4.6 million Americans applied to start a business last year."
12/30/2022 Tweet - "Small businesses are the engines of our economy. Under our Administration's economic plan, more Americans have applied to start small businesses last year than ever before."
10/17/2022 Tweet - "Like we promised, our student debt plan will provide relief to millions of Americans who need it most. Applications are now open for student debt relief. Apply now:"
10/04/2022 Tweet - "Earlier this year, we announced the Economic Opportunity Coalition of over 20 private-sector organizations. Together with some of the largest consumer banks and investment firms, they've committed more than $1 billion to community banks serving minority and rural communities."
09/24/2022 Tweet - "In 2020, young voters told us they wanted college to be more affordable--knowing they can graduate without being burdened by student loan debt. @JoeBiden announced a plan to cancel up to $10,000 of student loan debt, and if students are a Pell Grant recipient, up to $20,000."
09/22/2022 Tweet - "We will cancel up to $10,000 of federal student loan debt for borrowers making less than $125,000 a year and cancel up to $20,000 of debt for Pell Grant recipients."
09/15/2022 Tweet - "This is a huge step forward for our economy and rail workers. Thank you to both unions and rail companies for working hard to reach a deal that improves pay and working conditions."
09/04/2022 Tweet - "Public servants -- including public school teachers -- you may be able to receive credit for past student loan payments that wouldn't otherwise qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Visit and apply before October 31."
08/28/2022 Tweet - "Like we promised, our Administration is prioritizing the middle class. Nearly 90% of our student loan debt relief goes to borrowers earning less than $75,000 a year."
08/25/2022 Tweet - "No one should have to give up their financial stability to access the health care they need. Our Administration is fighting to make sure that Americans with medical debt can still access federal loans to buy a home, grow a farm, or start a business.'
08/19/2022 Tweet - "For decades, the tax code has allowed big corporations to avoid paying their fair share in this country. Not anymore under the Inflation Reduction Act."
06/02/2022 Tweet - "Today is a major milestone for students who were defrauded by Corinthian Colleges. As Attorney General of California, I investigated and successfully sued Corinthian for their predatory practices."
04/04/2022 Tweet - "The Community Advantage program has helped launch businesses, create jobs, and drive innovation across our nation. We are extending the program until 2024--expanding the number of lenders in the program and increasing the amount of money they can lend."
04/03/2022 Tweet - "Here's the bottom line: When small business owners have the support they need, they create jobs, drive and inspire innovation, and grow our entire economy."
04/01/2022 Tweet - "All entrepreneurs--no matter where they live or who they are--deserve the opportunity to succeed and thrive. I traveled to Greenville, Mississippi today to highlight our historic investments in small businesses and rural communities."
03/30/2022 Tweet - "Entrepreneurs across our nation with incredible ambition and aspiration need access to capital. Today I announced that our Administration is extending the @SBAgov Community Advantage Pilot Program to help community lenders provide more funding to small business owners."
10/05/2021 Tweet - "I believe when someone starts a small business, it's a true act of self-determination. @MayorBowser and I visited @ColadaShop , a D.C.-based Cuban café, owned by Daniella Senior. Our small business owners have gone above and beyond to keep their businesses running."
09/29/2021 Tweet - "Hispanic-led businesses create jobs, innovation, and opportunity. They play a vital role in their communities. Today, @RepBarragan and I met with a talented group of Latina small business leaders."
09/18/2021 Tweet - "Starting a small business is the ultimate act of self-determination. Our Administration is committed to supporting our nation's small business owners by improving access to capital and giving our infrastructure a much-needed upgrade."
08/25/2021 Tweet - "Supply chain resilience matters to the American people and Singapore plays a critical role in the global supply chain. I met with private sector leaders to discuss strengthening supply chains and ending semiconductor chip shortages, so that businesses in both countries can grow."
08/01/2021 Tweet - "I believe that when someone starts a small business, it is a true act of self-determination. A small-business owner has vision, and through hard work and support, they help determine not only their future but the future of their community."
07/29/2021 Tweet - "Today, @SBAIsabel and I spoke with small business owners about how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will support small business growth. From high-speed internet to efficient transit, small businesses rely on infrastructure to compete."
06/15/2021 Tweet - "Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy. Today, we announced $1.25 billion in COVID relief grants for Community Development Financial Institutions, to help small businesses across the nation access capital, create jobs, and grow, especially in underserved communities."

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