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Kamala Harris' Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for Vice President

Date Title
02/19/2024 Statement from Vice President Kamala Harris on CHIPS and Science Act Preliminary Terms
09/28/2022 Tweet - "Through the CHIPS and Science Act, we're making clear that the United States is committed to leading again in the production of semiconductor chips and to strengthening our supply chains."
09/21/2022 Remarks by Vice President Harris in Press Call on the Emergency Capital Investment Program (ECIP)
06/08/2022 Remarks by Vice President Harris at the CEO Summit of the Americas
07/22/2020 Trone Joins Senators Warner, Booker, Harris, and Schumer and Chairman Meeks to Introduce Legislation to Help Low-Income and Minority Communities During Economic Crisis
07/21/2020 Senators Introduce Legislation to Help Low-Income and Minority Communities During Economic Crisis
07/06/2020 Harris, Cardin, Cantwell, Schumer, Booker, Cortez Masto Introduce Legislation to Invest in Minority-Owned Businesses
06/25/2020 Harris Introduces Legislation to Require Transparency of Small Business Loans Amid COVID-19 Crisis
05/13/2020 McEachin Announces Support for Groundbreaking Bill to Support Small Neighborhood Businesses During COVID-19 Pandemic
05/05/2020 ReWIND Act Prohibits Bailout of Fossil Fuel Industry with Cares Act Funds During Public Health Crisis
04/01/2020 Senator Wyden, Rep. Schrader Request Release of West Coast Fishery Disaster Assistance Funding
03/30/2020 Harris, Colleagues Push for a Stop to Electric and Gas Disconnections, Reconnection Fees, Late Fees, and Rate Hikes During Coronavirus Crisis
09/10/2019 House Passes Harris Legislation Promoting Diversity and Inclusion at Federal Reserve
06/21/2019 Cortez Masto Cosponsors Bill to Make Bankruptcy Relief Available for Student Loan Borrowers
02/07/2019 Democrats Introduce Legislation to Help Prevent Housing Discrimination
01/09/2019 Feinstein, Harris Re-Introduces Legislation to Promote Diversity and Inclusion at Federal Reserve
07/18/2018 Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation Introduced to Combat Workplace Harassment and Increase Transparency and Accountability
06/12/2018 Senators Introduce Resolution in Support of American Flower Industry
05/16/2018 Beatty Rule Introduced in the Senate
05/10/2018 Harris Introduces Legislation to Promote Diversity and Inclusion at Federal Reserve
01/09/2018 Udall, Markey Net Neutrality Resolution Reaches 40-Vote Milestone in the Senate
12/22/2017 Feinstein, Harris, Warren, Blumenthal Introduce Bill to Empower State AG Enforcement for National Banks