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Kamala Harris' Public Statements on Issue: Federal, State and Local Relations


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for Vice President

Date Title
09/02/2021 Tweet - "Our Administration is committed to doing everything we can to partner with California in responding to and overcoming this challenging wildfire season."
07/30/2021 Tweet - "Devastating wildfires, dangerous smoke, lethal heat, and severe drought are harming our communities. Today, @POTUS and I met with Governors to discuss their needs on the ground and partnering to strengthen resilience to keep communities safe in the face of climate change."
07/30/2021 Remarks by President Biden and Vice President Harris in Virtual Meeting with Governors on Wildfires
07/14/2021 Tweet - "We have an opportunity to make generational investments that create jobs and upgrade America's infrastructure. Today, @POTUS and I met with Governors and Mayors to discuss our #BuildBackBetter agenda."
06/30/2021 Tweet - "Climate change is fueling historic heat waves, severe droughts, and wildfires across the west. Today, I joined @POTUS , members of the Cabinet, and western Governors to discuss preparedness, protecting communities, and building resilience for the future."
06/16/2021 Tweet - "The right to vote is fundamental in our democracy. Today, I met with Texas state legislators to discuss how we can stop legislation that will make it harder for Americans to exercise their right to vote."
03/25/2021 Tweet - "To get through this pandemic, we must lift up communities across this country. The American Rescue Plan does just that: it provides direct aid to state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments, keeping workers on the job, getting shots in arms, and maintaining public services."
02/19/2021 Tweet - "Our administration will continue working hand-in-hand with state and local authorities to bring relief to the people of Texas and all those nationwide who are impacted by the extreme weather."
11/23/2020 Tweet - "This afternoon, @JoeBiden and I met with @usmayors to discuss how we'll work together to beat COVID-19. Our nation's mayors are at the forefront of this pandemic and deserve all the resources and support they need to succeed."
11/22/2020 Tweet - "President-elect @JoeBiden and I will make sure our federal, state, local, and tribal authorities are working closely together so we can save lives and help get our economy back on track."
11/21/2020 Tweet - "I've served in both state and local government, so I understand the critical role our governors play in everything from combating the climate crisis to helping Americans in times of crisis. Know that they will have partners in the White House again starting on January 20th."
11/19/2020 Tweet - "Earlier today @JoeBiden and I met with some of our nation's governors. Our message to them and all of our state and local leaders is simple: the President-elect and I will make sure you have the resources and support you need to save lives and help get our economy back on track."