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Kamala Harris' Public Statements on Issue: Reproduction


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for Vice President

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Date Title
01/18/2023 Tweet - "Last week, House Republicans passed an extreme bill that would further jeopardize the right to reproductive health care in our nation. This is yet another attempt by Republican legislators to control women's bodies."
01/05/2023 Tweet - "It can be incredibly dangerous to be pregnant in an abortion-restricted state. I am concerned about women, like Kaitlyn, who cannot get the care they need because of laws that criminalize doctors for doing their job. These restrictions on women's bodies are absolutely shameful."
01/02/2023 Tweet - "In 2023, we will continue the fight for reproductive rights. It's time Congress pass the Women's Health Protection Act."
11/11/2022 Tweet - "Voters in Vermont, Michigan, California, and Kentucky voted to protect reproductive rights. To everyone who made that possible, thank you."
11/09/2022 Tweet - "Make no mistake--the majority of Americans support a woman's right to make decisions about her own body. And the people of Michigan, Kentucky, Vermont and California stood up to protect reproductive rights with their vote last night."
11/08/2022 Tweet - "With so much at stake, one thing is clear: we will continue fighting for reproductive rights."
10/22/2022 Remarks by Vice President Harris in a Conversation on Reproductive Rights
10/21/2022 Tweet - "President Biden has said he will sign a bill that would put into law the protections of Roe v. Wade if it's presented to him. If you care about reproductive health care, let your elected officials know where you stand and make your voices heard."
10/19/2022 Tweet - "This is what happens when extreme abortion bans are put into effect. Women like Amanda are left in life-threatening situations that could have otherwise been prevented. Congressional Republicans are still pushing for a national ban on abortion."
10/17/2022 Remarks by Vice President Harris in a Conversation on Protecting Reproductive Rights
10/14/2022 Tweet - "Right now, young people across the country are feeling the effects of the Supreme Court taking away a constitutional right in the Dobbs decision. This afternoon I will convene student leaders to discuss our fight to protect reproductive health care."
10/11/2022 Tweet - "A national abortion ban is wildly out of step with what most Americans believe in. Republicans in Congress should stay out of women's personal decisions."
10/09/2022 Remarks by Vice President Harris in a Conversation on Reproductive Rights
10/04/2022 Tweet - "Reproductive health care is an issue that impacts your freedom and liberty. All women should have the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies--not the government."
10/04/2022 Remarks by President Biden and Vice President Harris at the Second Meeting of the Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access
10/04/2022 Tweet - "Congressional Republicans are fighting to pass an extreme national abortion ban that will criminalize providers, take away reproductive rights, and put women's health at risk. The message is clear. We're fighting to protect your rights, while they work to take them away."
10/02/2022 Tweet - "Following the Dobbs decision, extremist so-called leaders across our nation began to pass and enforce laws to criminalize doctors, nurses, and health care providers. We must do everything we can to fight for reproductive rights."
10/01/2022 Tweet - "Earlier this year, President @JoeBiden signed two executive orders to protect access to abortion care, the right to contraception, and the safety of providers and clinics. We are protecting access to reproductive health care for women across the country."
09/25/2022 Tweet - "Senators are attempting to pass a national abortion ban and criminalize doctors for simply doing the job they were trained to do: Deliver health care. There's a clear disconnect with the priorities of everyday Americans."
09/24/2022 Tweet - "An Arizona law that is over 150-years-old and denies the women of Arizona access to abortion even in cases of critical health needs, rape, and incest can now be enforced. This is shameful, and dangerous."
09/21/2022 Tweet - "Any senator attempting to pass a national ban on abortion or working to criminalize health care providers is clearly disconnected from the priorities of everyday Americans."
09/18/2022 Tweet - "Republicans in Congress are officially introducing a national abortion ban. Let's be clear--any ban will harm women and prevent them from making their own health care decisions."
09/16/2022 Remarks by Vice President Harris During Roundtable Discussion on Protecting and Expanding Reproductive Rights
09/15/2022 Tweet - "A national abortion ban is wildly out of step with what the majority of Americans believe in. Republicans in Congress should stay out of women's personal decisions."
09/15/2022 Tweet - "This is the first day the women of Indiana will live under a near-total ban on abortion in decades. I've said it before, and I will say it again: the government should not be telling a woman what to do with her own body."

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