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Bill Johnson's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

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Date Title
12/16/2019 Congressman Bill Johnson Receives Health IT Pioneer Award Health Innovation Alliance Presents Annual Bipartisan Award to Legislators
04/11/2019 DeGette, Johnson introduce legislation that would increase patient access to essential foot and ankle treatments
01/06/2016 Bill Johnson Votes to Send Obamacare Repeal to President Obama's Desk
01/08/2015 Johnson Joins Bipartisan Majority to Restore Traditional 40 Hour Work Week, Rebuke President Obama
12/11/2014 Bill Johnson Statement on Passage of Omnibus Appropriations Bill
09/16/2014 No Surprise: Obamacare IS Funding Abortion
07/22/2014 Bill Johnson Comments on Halbig v. Burwell Decision
06/30/2014 Bill Johnson Statement on Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby Ruling
04/10/2014 Bill Johnson Votes for a Responsible Balanced Budget
04/08/2014 Bill Johnson Statement on Final Medicare Adantage Rates
03/14/2014 Bill Johnson to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address
03/12/2014 Bill Johnson Introduces Legislation to Protect Seniors
03/05/2014 Johnson Votes to Protect Hard-Working American Families
02/22/2014 Bill Johnson Statement on Cuts Made to Medicare Advantage by Obama Administration
02/10/2014 Bill Johnson Statement on the Latest Obamacare Delay
01/28/2014 Rep. Bill Johnson Comments on President Obama's State of the Union Address
10/16/2013 Johnson Statement on Short-Term Debt Limit Increase and Continuing Resolution
10/01/2013 Bill Johnson Responds to Government Shutdown
09/29/2013 Bill Johnson Votes to Delay Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution
07/18/2013 Bill Johnson Votes to Delay Obamacare Mandates
09/12/2012 "Sit Down with Seniors"
07/11/2012 Bill Johnson Votes to Repeal President Obama's Health Care Law
03/29/2012 Bill Johnson Statement On Budget Vote
03/22/2012 Bill Johnson Votes to Protect Doctors & Patients
08/12/2011 Congressman Bill Johnson Statement Regarding 11th Circuit Court Ruling on Democrats' Healthcare Law

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