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Jim Renacci's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

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Date Title
10/29/2013 Renacci: More Broken Promises From The Obama Administration
09/20/2013 Renacci Statement on House Passage of the Continuing Resolution
08/25/2013 Renacci Report: Making Washington Work
08/02/2013 Renacci Statement on New Obamacare Exemption
08/01/2013 Renacci: What Happened to the Lower Costs We Were Promised?
07/17/2013 Authority for Mandate Delay Act
06/28/2013 Letter to Secretary Sebelius - Insurance Exchanges
05/13/2013 Letter to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Affordable Care Act
04/12/2013 The Washington Times - On Hill, Sebelius Faces GOP Doubts Over Health Law
07/11/2012 Renacci: The Health Care Law Doesn't Live up to the Hype, so it Must Be Repealed
06/28/2012 Renacci: The Court Got it Wrong, the People Got it Right
03/26/2012 Renacci: Court Should Strike Down Individual Mandate
03/22/2012 Renacci Votes to Repeal Unaccountable Bureaucrat Board from President's Health Care Law
03/22/2012 Renacci: Two Years Later the Health Care Law has Failed in its Stated Goals
02/01/2012 Renacci Votes to Repeal Unsustainable Class Act
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Spending
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Health Care
12/20/2011 Renacci: Americans Need a Break in Their Paychecks and Certainty in Their Lives
11/08/2011 Renacci Introduces Medical Imaging Jobs Bill
06/01/2011 The Solvency of Medicare
03/03/2011 Renacci Votes to Provide Relief to Small Businesses; Reduce Government Mandates
02/11/2011 Congressman Renacci Votes to Remove Job-Destroying Government Regulations
08/24/2010 Jim Renacci Launches First General Election Television Ad

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