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Renee Ellmers' Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers

Date Title
11/07/2016 Letter to the Hon. Sylvia Matthews Burwell, Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Medicare Payments to Small Laboratories
10/28/2016 Letter to Barack Obama, President, United States of America - Engaging China on Biotechnology
03/28/2016 Letter to Fed. Chair Janet Yellen, FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg, CFPB Director Richard Cordray, Currency Comptroller Thomas Curry, and NCUA Chairman Deborah Matz - Push for Tailored Regulations
02/17/2016 Letter to the Honorable Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission - Privacy Concerns in Set-Top Boxes Proposal
12/09/2015 Letter to Ashton Carter, Secretary of Defense - The Prominent Role of the 440th Airlift Wing (AW) Throughout Operation Toy Drop
10/09/2015 Letter to the Hon. Penny Pritzker, Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce and the Hon. Edith Ramirez, Chairwoman, Federal Trade Commission - U.S. E.U. Safe Harbor Agreement
06/08/2015 Letter to Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy - Residential Furnaces
05/20/2015 Letter to Richard Cordray, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - TRID Regulation
04/30/2015 Letter to John Kerry, Secretary of State, Anthony Foxx, Secretary of Transportation - U.S. Open Skies Policy
01/30/2015 Letter to Robert McEllrath, President of the International Longshore Warehouse Union and James McKenna, Chair and CEO of Pacific Maritime Association - Port Negotiation Resolution
11/12/2014 Letter to Thomas Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission - Reclassification of the Internet Under Title II of the Communications Act
07/30/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Agriculture Market Access in TPP
06/19/2014 Letter to Gina McCarthy, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator - Reverse Proposed Carbon Emissions Regulation