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Terri Sewell's Public Statements on Issue: Unemployed and Low-Income


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (AL) - District 7

Date Title
06/18/2020 Brown, Hoyer, Sewell, Kuster, Blunt Rochester and Kelly Introduce Legislation to Address Stark Disparities in Health Care System
10/15/2019 Stevens, Hayes, Sewell, Kuster introduce bill to reduce prescription drug costs for low-income Medicare beneficiaries
10/05/2016 We Must Stop Assaults on Sacred Right to Vote
07/30/2015 Booker Joins Congressional Coalition to Increase Investments in Distressed Communities
04/14/2015 Rep. Sewell Introduces Expanded Child Care Credits for Working Families
04/14/2015 The Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act Passes in the House
07/23/2014 Congresswoman Sewell Joins the State Medicaid Expansion Caucus as a Founding Member
05/22/2014 Congresswoman Sewell Supports Legislation to Improve and Strengthen Housing Financing Options for Rural Americans
12/12/2013 Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell Votes in Favor of Bipartisan Budget Agreement
09/19/2013 Statement from Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell on Her Opposition to H.R. 3102 which Cuts $40 billion from the SNAP Program
07/12/2013 Statement by Congresswoman Sewell Regarding Voting Against the Split Farm Bill
06/20/2013 Statement by Congresswoman Sewell Regarding Voting Against H.R. 1947, the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013
02/17/2012 Statement from Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell on the Extension of the Payroll Tax Cut and Unemployment Benefits
01/05/2012 Statement from Congresswoman Sewell on President Obama's Summer Jobs+ Initiative
08/01/2011 Sewell Votes to Prevent Default Crisis