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Terri Sewell's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (AL) - District 7

Date Title
06/29/2022 Arrington Legislation to Ensure Access to Groundbreaking Cancer Detection Tools Gains Substantial Momentum in Congress
06/17/2021 Rep. Sewell Introduces COVER Now Act to Empower Local Governments to Overcome Obstruction to Medicaid Expansion
05/06/2021 Rep. Sewell Introduces Legislation to Protect Access to Ground Ambulance Medical Services for Rural and Underserved Communities
03/29/2021 Davis, Sewell, Katko, Suozzi Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Tackle Doctor Shortages During COVID-19 Pandemic
06/29/2020 Rep. Sewell Votes in Favor of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act, with Renewed Medicaid Expansion Incentives
11/20/2019 Representatives McKinley and Sewell Introduce Legislation to Expand Access to Non-Opioid Alternatives
10/23/2019 Rep. Sewell Secures Prescription Drug Affordability Provision in H.R. 3
10/17/2019 Reps. Sewell, Cox Introduce Bill to Increase Access to Asthma Medications
06/13/2019 Rep. Sewell: "Universal Health Care Coverage is a Civil Rights Issue of Our Day"
06/04/2019 Rep. Sewell Calls on State, Once Again, to Expand Medicaid to Shore Up Rural Hospitals
05/09/2019 Sewell Votes for Legislation to Strengthen Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions
05/16/2018 Rep. Sewell's Bipartisan Opioid Abuse Bill Passes Committee
03/13/2017 Rep. Sewell Statement on CBO Analysis of GOP Repeal Bill
03/09/2017 Rep. Sewell Votes Against GOP Repeal Bill
03/07/2017 Rep. Sewell Statement on GOP Health Bill
12/20/2011 Statement from Congresswoman Sewell in Opposition to House Republicans' Attempt to Delay the Extension of Unemployment Benefits and Payroll Tax Cuts to Americans