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Rob Woodall's Public Statements on Issue: Government Operations

Date Title
07/10/2020 Bipartisan Coalition of Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Restore Congressional War Powers
02/07/2020 Congressmen Sanford Bishop and Rob Woodall Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve the Movement of Perishable Goods on Georgia Roadways
02/05/2020 Woodall Responds to Senate Acquittal in Trump Impeachment
12/18/2019 In Historic Vote, Rep. Woodall Opposes Impeachment
12/17/2019 At Rules Committee Hearing, Rep. Woodall Speaks out Against Unfair Process Surrounding Impeachment
12/06/2017 Woodall, House Clear Legislation Promoting Second Amendment
06/13/2017 Accountability for our Veterans
01/24/2017 Woodall Cosponsors, House Passes "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act"
02/02/2016 Woodall Voices Displeasure Over President's "Waters of the US' Veto
04/16/2015 Reps. Woodall and Duckworth Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to End Congressional "Free Mail
04/16/2015 Congresswoman Duckworth Re-Introduces Legislation To End Congressional Franking Privilege
04/29/2014 Woodall, Issa, Connolly Praise Passage of Government Reports Elimination Act
01/10/2013 Woodall Announces January 2013 Town Hall Meetings
05/25/2012 Woodall Visits Gwinnett Businesses; Hosts Mid-Week Town Hall
01/06/2012 Woodall Condemns Obama "Recess Appointments"
10/24/2011 Woodall Co-Sponsors "Business Cycle Balanced Budget Amendment"
01/04/2011 Woodall Appointed to House Committee on Rules
10/28/2010 Barrow Journal - Woodall Predicts "Dramatic' Change
10/11/2010 Woodall Participates in Televised Atlanta Press Club Debate
08/27/2010 Woodall Issues Statement on Justice Department's Final Approval of Georgia's Voter Identification System
08/09/2010 Woodall Wraps Up the Last of His Freedom Forums Before Run Off