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Annie Kuster's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action

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Date Title
09/14/2021 Wild, Lamb, Evans, and Kuster Introduce Legislation to Revitalize the Civilian Conservation Corps
09/08/2021 Kuster, Lamb, Wild, Evans Introduce Legislation To Revitalize the Civilian Conservation Corps
09/08/2021 Lamb, Wild, Evans and Kuster Introduce Legislation to Revitalize the Civilian Conservation Corps
08/20/2021 Kuster Highlights Funding for White Mountains Community College, Discusses Growth and Career-Pathway Programs
08/18/2021 Kuster Kicks Off Build Back Better Tour in the North Country, Meets with Business Leaders and Local Officials to Discuss Travel, Tourism
06/30/2021 Pappas Helps Introduce Multi-State Worker Tax Fairness Act
06/30/2021 Kuster, Pappas, Himes, Hayes Introduce Multi-State Worker Tax Fairness Act
05/14/2021 Kuster-Backed Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Passes the House with Bipartisan Support
04/15/2021 House Passes Kuster-Backed Paycheck Fairness Act
04/15/2021 Shaheen, Hassan & Kuster Announce More than $239K Grant to Berlin Housing Authority to Expand Access to New Economic Opportunities for Residents
04/15/2021 Shaheen, Hassan & Kuster Announce More than $239K Grant to Berlin Housing Authority to Expand Access to New Economic Opportunities for Residents
03/09/2021 Kuster-backed PRO Act Passes House
02/05/2021 Kuster Votes for Bipartisan Legislation to Create Apprenticeship Opportunities
01/29/2021 Kuster Helps Reintroduce Paycheck Fairness Act
07/14/2020 Stivers, Kuster Offer Bipartisan Amendment to Help Female Veterans
07/05/2020 NH Delegation Applauds $3.45 Million Grant to the Community College System of New Hampshire for High School Apprenticeship Programs
03/03/2020 Reps. Kind, Pappas, and Kuster Introduce Legislation to Increase American Families' Access to Job Training Services
07/18/2019 Kuster Votes to Raise Minimum Wage to $15 by 2025
07/31/2018 Legislation on Kuster's Jobs & Opportunity Agenda to Improve Career and Technical Education Signed into Law
07/19/2018 Democrats Join Forces to Improve Federal Contracting for Veteran Small Business Owners
02/01/2018 At Cheshire Career Center, Kuster Discusses Efforts to Support Workforce Development Initiatives
07/25/2017 Representatives Kuster, Lieu, and Cartwright Introduce New Collar Jobs Act: A Better Deal for American Workers
06/23/2017 VA Accountability First Act Including Kuster Provision Signed Into Law
06/19/2017 Kuster Discusses Importance of Workforce Development Investment Act at River Valley Community College
06/13/2017 Congress Passes VA Accountability First Act Including Kuster Provision

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