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Ayanna Pressley's Public Statements on Issue: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 7

Date Title
07/26/2022 Rep. Pressley's Statement on Massachusetts' Enactment of CROWN Act
06/19/2022 VIDEO: Rep. Pressley Commemorates Juneteenth on House Floor
06/15/2022 Pressley Secures House Passage of Key Disability Justice Amendments
04/14/2022 Pressley Joins Ambassador Rice, Cabinet Secretaries, For White House Racial Equity Event
03/18/2022 House Passes Rep. Pressley's CROWN Act to Ban Hair Discrimination
03/18/2022 In Passionate Speech, Pressley Calls for Passage of CROWN Act to Ban Hair Discrimination
02/09/2022 Pressley Joins Levin, 129 Colleagues on Resolution Recognizing Congressional Workers' Right to Organize
01/17/2022 Rep. Ayanna Pressley's Statement on Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
01/16/2022 Rep. Pressley's Remarks on Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
11/17/2021 Pressley, Clark, Garcia, Murray, Hirono, Slotkin, Strickland Reintroduce BE HEARD Act to Address Workplace Harassment
10/27/2021 Rep. Pressley Statement on House Passage of S.921 by Voice Vote
09/02/2021 Pressley, Chu, Blumenthal, Baldwin, Frankel, and Escobar Statement on Supreme Court Decision Refusing to Block Restrictive, Dangerous Texas Abortion Law
04/09/2021 Reps. Pressley, Lee and Senator Warren Applaud CDC's Declaration of Racism as a Public Health Crisis
03/17/2021 Statement from Rep. Pressley, MA Elected Officials of Color on Shooting in Atlanta
01/26/2021 Reps. García, Jayapal, Pressley, Bass Re-introduce the New Way Forward Act
12/10/2020 Reps. García, Pressley, and Jeffries Introduce Transit Parity Resolution
06/21/2020 Committee Examines Effects of Systemic Racism in Policing Practices
06/19/2020 Statement from Rep. Pressley on Boston City Council's Budget and Policy Proposals to Address Systemic Racism
06/08/2020 Oversight Committee Democratic Members Honor Leadership of Black Women on 101st Anniversary of 19th Amendment Passing Congress
06/05/2020 Following George Floyd Murder, Rep. Kirkpatrick Announces Support for House Resolution Condemning Police Brutality
12/06/2019 Rep. Pressley Votes to Protect the Sacred Right to the Ballot
12/05/2019 Following the Introduction of the People's Justice Guarantee, Rep. Pressley Launches Legislation to End School Pushout of Girls of Color
04/09/2019 Mucarsel-Powell and Colleagues Introduce Sweeping Legislation to Address Harassment in the Workplace
03/06/2019 Rep. Pressley Issues Statement in Support of Rep. Omar