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Ayanna Pressley's Public Statements on Issue: Education


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 7

Date Title
11/22/2022 Pressley Statement on Extension of Student Loan Payment Pause
08/24/2022 Rep. Pressley's Statement on President Biden Cancelling Student Debt
06/22/2022 Pressley, Warren, Schumer, Union Leaders to President Biden: Cancelling Student Debt is Critical to Helping Millions of Working People
06/16/2022 With Food Insecurity on the Rise, Pressley Renews Call for Extension of School Meal Flexibilities
05/20/2022 Pressley Hails Historic Congressional Black Caucus Statement of Support for Student Debt Cancellation
03/17/2022 Pressley: HBCU Bomb Threats are Latest Chapter of Anti-Black White Supremacist Violence in America
01/14/2022 Rep. Pressley's Statement on Boston Student Walkout
12/22/2021 Pressley, Warren, Schumer Applaud Extension of Student Loan Payment Pause, Continue Calls for Biden to Cancel Student Debt
12/08/2021 Majority Leader Schumer, Senator Warren, Congresswoman Pressley Release New Analysis Showing That Resuming Student Loan Payments Will Strip $85 Billion From The Economy In 2022
06/25/2021 Statement from Markey, Warren, and Pressley on Esser Funding for Boston Public Schools
08/14/2020 Pressley, Walsh, Lynch, Warren, Markey Renew Calls for Usda to Extend School Nutrition Waivers Through the End of The 2020-21 School Year
03/24/2020 Massachusetts Delegation Asks Census Bureau to Allow Colleges and Universities to Report on All Students Using Administrative Data
03/23/2020 Reps. Pressley & Omar Introduce Bold Plan to Cancel Student Debt Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
02/14/2020 All Democratic Committee Members Object to DeVos' Proposed Rule Harming Student Survivors of Sexual Assault
12/10/2019 Slotkin, Pressley, Speier, Kuster Introduce Bill to Prevent Secretary DeVos From Rolling Back Title IX Survivor Protections
12/05/2019 Following the Introduction of the People's Justice Guarantee, Rep. Pressley Launches Legislation to End School Pushout of Girls of Color
09/20/2019 Reps. Pressley, Shalala, and Tlaib introduce the Protecting Student Aid Act of 2019
06/13/2019 Rep. Pressley Demands Funding for School-Based Health Centers