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Ayanna Pressley's Public Statements on Issue: Women


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 7

Date Title
05/12/2022 Pressley, Williams, 114 Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Defend Reproductive and Sexual Health Care
09/02/2021 Pressley Statement on Supreme Court Inaction on Texas Abortion Law
09/02/2021 Pressley, Chu, Blumenthal, Baldwin, Frankel, and Escobar Statement on Supreme Court Decision Refusing to Block Restrictive, Dangerous Texas Abortion Law
09/02/2021 Escobar, Blumenthal, Chu, Baldwin, Frankel, Pressley Statement on Supreme Court Decision Refusing to Block Restrictive, Dangerous Texas Abortion Law
04/13/2021 Statement from Rep. Pressley and Chairwoman Maloney on FDA's Decision to Temporarily Lift Restrictions Preventing Access to Mifepristone
06/08/2020 Oversight Committee Democratic Members Honor Leadership of Black Women on 101st Anniversary of 19th Amendment Passing Congress
05/27/2020 Congressional Pro-Choice leaders condemn political attacks on local Planned Parenthood organizations
03/10/2020 Rep. Pressley Fights for Justice for Incarcerated Mothers
12/10/2019 Schakowsky, Pressley Question Johnson & Johnson on Harmful Products and Targeted Marketing to Women & Girls of Color
12/05/2019 Following the Introduction of the People's Justice Guarantee, Rep. Pressley Launches Legislation to End School Pushout of Girls of Color
11/20/2019 U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee Takes Major Action on America's Maternal Mortality Crisis
11/14/2019 Rep. Pressley, Colleagues Announce Successful Committee Markup of Critical Bipartisan Maternal Health Legislation
11/13/2019 U.S. House Subcommittee Takes Major Congressional Action on America's Maternal Mortality Crisis
06/14/2019 Bera, Murray, Pressley, Ocasio-Cortez, Hill Introduce Legislation in Push for Affordable Over-the-Counter Birth Control
02/23/2019 Congresswoman Pressley: "Reproductive Rights are Not up for Debate."