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Chris Coons' Public Statements on Issue: Environment

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Date Title
11/06/2019 Bipartisan Senate Climate Solutions Caucus adds new members, hosts first meeting with CEOs
10/31/2019 Cardin Leads Bipartisan Senate Resolution Urging President Trump to Keep the United States in the Paris Climate Agreement
10/23/2019 Senators Coons, Braun launch first-ever bipartisan Senate Climate Solutions Caucus
09/30/2019 Letter to Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State - Weeks before Pres. Trump can officially withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement, Sen. Coons insists U.S. remain in fight against global warming
09/27/2019 Warner & Kaine join Van Hollen & Capito to Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Boost Resources for Chesapeake Bay Conservation
09/27/2019 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of State - Weeks Before Pres. Trump Can Officially Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement, SFRC Democrats Insist U.S. Remain in Fight against Global Warming
08/29/2019 Letter to the Hon. Neil Chatterjee, Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - Senate Democrats urge Republican-controlled Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to oppose proposal that could raise electricity prices for millions of Americans, jeopardize thousands of jobs, and dramatically increase carbon emissions
08/26/2019 CNN "Erin Burnett Out Front" - Transcript: "Interview with Rep. Chris Coons"
07/31/2019 Sens. Coons, Mc Sally Introduce Legislation to Improve the Long-Term Sustainability, Safety, and Economic Viability of U.S. Nuclear Power
07/25/2019 Sens. Coons and Feinstein, Rep. Panetta Introduce Bill to Price Carbon Pollution, Invest in Infrastructure, R&d, and Working Families
07/25/2019 Feinstein, Coons, Panetta Introduce Bill to Price Carbon Pollution, Rebate Cost to Families
07/25/2019 Cortez Masto introduces Renewable Energy Extension Act
07/17/2019 Letter to Dr. James F. Reilly II, Director of the U.S. Geological Survey - King, Colleagues Opposing Potential Administration Effort at "Hiding" Climate Data
07/15/2019 Congressional Delegation Reacts to PFAS Contamination Levels Found Around Dover AFB
07/15/2019 Letter to Dr. James Reilly, Director of the U.S. Geological Survey - Feinstein, Hirono Lead Letter Warning of Scientific Data Suppression within USGS
06/26/2019 Letter to the Hon. Phyllis Fong, Inspector General of the Department of Agriculture - Van Hollen, Senate Colleagues Call for Investigation At USDA Amid Reports of Scientific Data Suppression
06/19/2019 Letter to Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, Hon.Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader, Hon. Charles E. Grassley, Chairmen of the Senate Finance Committee, and Hon. Ron Wyden, Ranking member on the Senate Finance Committee - Cortez Masto Urges Senate Leaders to Prioritize Clean Energy Tax Credits to Boost U.S. Solar Industry
06/07/2019 Brown Introduces Legislation Directing Trump Administration to Meet Standards Set by Paris Climate Agreement
06/06/2019 Harris, Feinstein, Colleagues Introduce Bill Directing Trump Administration to Meet Standards Set by the Paris Climate Agreement
06/04/2019 Bipartisan, Bicameral Group of Lawmakers Introduce Energy Efficiency Legislation
06/01/2019 75 Executives Lobbied Congress for a National Carbon Price. We Listened
05/21/2019 Letter to Sen. John Barrasso, Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and Sen. Thomas Carper, Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee - Cardin Leads Call for EPW to Prioritize Climate and Resiliency Investments in Surface Transportation Reauthorization
05/20/2019 Letter to Secretary Mnuchin - Senators Continue Push to Issue Carbon Capture Tax Credit Guidance
05/20/2019 Letter to the Hon. Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury, the Hon. David Kautter, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy, and the Hon. William Paul, Acting Chief Counsel of the Internal Revenue Service - Senators Keep Pressure on Treasury to Issue Carbon Capture Tax Credit Guidance
05/06/2019 Letter to the Hon. Richard Shelby and the Hon. Patrick Leahy - Keep Appropriations Bill Free of Anti-Environmental Riders

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