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Chris Coons' Public Statements on Issue: Government Operations

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Date Title
01/26/2023 Durbin, Tillis, Coons, Grassley Introduce Legislation To Improve Coordination Between USPTO And FDA
11/22/2022 Senators Coons, Fischer introduce bipartisan legislation to boost law enforcement hiring and retention
09/22/2022 Sen. Coons celebrates ratification of Kigali Amendment to Montreal Protocol
09/22/2022 Carper, Coons Decry Senate Failure to Pass DISCLOSE Act to Increase Transparency in our Elections
07/20/2022 Senator Coons on Electoral Count Act reform proposal
05/13/2022 Coons, Cornyn bill to apply STOCK Act requirements to federal judges signed into law
05/13/2022 Cornyn, Coons Bill to Apply STOCK Act Requirements to Federal Judges Signed Into Law
05/09/2022 Cornyn, Coons Bill to Extend Security and Protection for SCOTUS Justices & Families Passes Senate
05/05/2022 Sens. Coons, Cornyn Introduce Bill to Extend Security and Protection for SCOTUS Justices & Families
05/05/2022 Cornyn, Coons Introduce Bill to Extend Security and Protection for SCOTUS Justices & Families
04/28/2022 Coons, Cornyn bill to apply STOCK Act requirements to federal judges heads to President's desk
04/27/2022 Articles Cornyn, Coons Bill to Apply STOCK Act Requirements to Federal Judges Heads to President's Desk
02/18/2022 Coons, Cornyn bill to apply STOCK Act requirements to judges passes Senate
02/15/2022 Letter to Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States, Murphy, Blumenthal, Klobuchar, Colleagues Urge President Biden to Prioritize Funding to Improve Election Administration in the President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2023
02/09/2022 Sens. Carper, Coons applaud confirmation of Judge Stark to federal circuit court
02/04/2022 ICYMI: Senator Coons stresses respect and faith at 70th National Prayer Breakfast
01/31/2022 Senator Coons announces new Press Secretary
01/27/2022 Senator Coons' statement on the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer
01/24/2022 On ABC's This Week, Sen. Coons calls for bipartisan bill to "show resolve and determination' on Russia for Ukraine conflict
01/19/2022 On Senate floor, Senator Coons comes out in favor of adjusting filibuster to pass critical voting legislation
01/14/2022 Sen. Coons on Dr. Lisa Cook's nomination to Federal Reserve Board of Governors
01/07/2022 Sen. Coons on appointment of new Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa
12/28/2021 Sen. Coons on the passing of Harry Reid
12/19/2021 Sen. Coons on the passing of former Senator Johnny Isakson
10/28/2021 Cornyn Introduces Legislative Package to Meet Hydrogen Energy Infrastructure Needs

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