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Chris Coons' Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

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Date Title
07/10/2017 Sen. Coons on Trump-Putin Meeting: "Donald Trump Stepped up to the Plate and Whiffed"
05/16/2017 Sen Coons: "The President Apparently Didn't Realize the Damage that He Might Be Doing, Or, if He Knew about It, Didn't Care."
03/16/2017 Senator Coons: President Trump Is "Beginning to Learn that Words Matter'
03/08/2017 Fox News "Fox & Friends" - Senator Coons on Trump-Russia Ties: "This Isn't About Partisan Politics, It's About Defending Our Democracy"
02/16/2017 CNN - Sen. Coons: "Michael Flynn Ought to Be Called to Testify in Front of Committees of Congress"
02/14/2017 MSNBC - Sen. Coons on Trump: "What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?"
02/09/2017 CNN "New Day" - Sen Coons on President Trump's Response to Judge Gorsuch's Comments: "The Larger Issue Here Is That Judicial Independence Is at Risk"
02/07/2017 Fox Business - Sen Coons: "I Am Not Going to Do to Judge Neil Gorsuch What Republicans Did to Merrick Garland"
01/25/2017 CNN "Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer" -Senator Coons: "It's Not an Alternative Fact, It Is a Baseless Lie."
01/25/2017 CNN "Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer" - Senator Coons: "Not Just No…No Way" on DeVos, Pruitt Nominations
01/17/2017 MSNBC "Andrea Mitchell Reports" -Sen Coons: "Still Weighing My Vote" on Rex Tillerson
01/12/2017 MSNBC "Hardball" -Sen. Coons on Tillerson: "I've Frankly Been Reflecting on if Not Mr. Tillerson, Who Else Might President-elect Trump Choose"
01/11/2017 MSNBC "Morning Joe" - Sen. Coons on Morning Joes Discusses Rex Tillerson's Hearing, Trump's Press Conference
01/10/2017 Fox News "Fox and Friends" - Senator Coons on Fox News to Discuss Sen. Sessions Confirmation Hearing
01/05/2017 MSNBC "Morning Joe" - Excerpts: On Rex Tillerson
12/07/2016 MSNBC "Morning Joe" - Transcript: On Mattis, Carson, Haley, and Trump Transition
11/09/2014 CNN "State of the Union with Candy Crowley" - Transcript: Congressional Agenda Post 2014 Election

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