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Chris Coons' Public Statements on Issue: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Date Title
07/01/2019 Carper, Coons Introduce First Ever Bipartisan Senate Resolution to Honor the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising
02/23/2017 Senator Coons' Statement on President Trump's Withdrawal of Agency Guidance on Transgender Student Protections
06/14/2016 Senator Coons on the Orlando Shooting: "Even in the Face of Tragedy, we Will Stand and Fight for Openness, Acceptance, and Freedom'
06/13/2016 Senator Coons' Statement on Orlando Shooting
06/26/2015 Senator Coons' statement on Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges case
03/06/2015 Brief of 167 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 44 U.S. Senators as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners
12/23/2014 Senator Coons Urges the FDA to Consider Further Changes after Gay Blood Ban Lifted
11/04/2013 Senator Coons Votes to Protect LGBT Americans from Workplace Discrimination
06/26/2013 Statement from Senator Coons on Supreme Court's Decision on Marriage Equality
05/07/2013 Statement from Senator Coons on Delaware Senate's Passage of Marriage Equality Bill
02/19/2013 Senator Coons Makes Pitch for Marriage Equality in Delaware
05/09/2012 Statement from Senator Coons on President Obama's Support for Marriage Equality
02/07/2012 Statement from Senator Coons on Federal Court Ruling Against California's Same-Sex Marriage Ban
12/06/2011 Coons praises Obama for standing up for LGBT rights around the world
09/20/2011 Statement from Senator Coons on Final Enactment of Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal
06/29/2011 13 Senators Team Up to Assure LGBT Youth that "It Gets Better"
06/01/2011 Statement from Senator Coons on National LGBT Pride Month
05/12/2011 Senator Coons: Uganda Should end Effort to Criminalize Homosexuality
04/14/2011 Senator Coon Applauds Delware House for Passage of Civil Unions Bill
12/02/2010 Sen. Coons Voices Support for Repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell
09/21/2010 Blog: A Clear Contrast