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Chuck Fleischmann's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (TN) - District 3

Date Title
08/16/2021 Rep. Fleischmann Statement on the Situation in Afghanistan
01/13/2021 Fleischmann Statement on Vote to Not Impeach President Trump
01/06/2021 Fleischmann Statement on Vote During Electoral Certification Process
02/05/2020 Fleischmann: Let's Put Impeachment Behind Us and Get Back to Work
12/18/2019 Fleischmann Supports President Trump Amid Democratic Impeachment Sham
12/10/2019 Fleischmann Rebukes Articles of Impeachment
10/31/2019 Fleischmann Votes Against Democrats' Effort to Impeach President Trump
09/24/2019 Fleischmann on Democrats' Impeachment Plan
07/09/2018 Fleischmann on Nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to United States Supreme Court
05/08/2018 Fleischmann on President Trump's Announcement to Withdraw from Iran Deal
12/06/2017 Congressman Fleischmann on President Trump's Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
03/01/2017 Statement: Fleischmann on Joint Address
01/30/2017 Statement: Fleischmann on Executive Order
01/20/2017 Statement: Fleischmann on Inauguration
01/13/2016 President Obama's Final State Of The Union, More Of The Same
01/05/2016 Congressman Fleischmann's Statement On President Obama's Executive Actions On Gun Control
03/03/2015 Fleischmann Opposes Funding Bill That Does Not Stop Obama's Amnesty
01/14/2015 Fleischmann Votes to Completely Defund President's Executive Amnesty and Secure Our Nation's Borders
01/14/2015 Fleischmann Votes to Completely Defund President's Executive Amnesty and Secure Our Nation's Borders
11/20/2014 President Obama Disregards Rule Of Law And American People
01/04/2012 Chuck Fleischmann Comments on Obama Appointments: "Complete Disregard for Checks and Balances"