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Paul Gosar's Public Statements on Issue: National Security


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (AZ) - District 9

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Date Title
06/07/2023 Committee Investigates Cybersecurity Threats and Vulnerabilities at DOI
10/02/2022 Gosar Votes to Remedy 9/11 Victims Fund, Demands Similar Action for Downwinders Fund
05/05/2021 Congressman Gosar and Team of Volunteers Clean Up Garbage Left Behind at Southern Border
04/01/2021 Gosar Introduces Higher Education Transparency Act
07/02/2020 Gosar and Lesko Lead Effort to Bring Space Force Command to Arizona
05/23/2019 Administration Approves Disaster Declaration for The Navajo Nation
02/26/2019 Members of Congress Introduce Resolution to Recognize the National Debt as A Threat to National Security
12/20/2018 Two Gosar Forest Management Policies Signed Into Law
06/27/2018 Rep Gosar Votes Against Amnesty Bill
05/21/2018 Gosar Offers Amendment To Authorize The Army Corps Of Engineers To Construct Border Wall
07/07/2016 Rep. Gosar Presses FBI Director for Answers on Clinton Email Server Investigation
02/23/2016 Rep. Gosar Supports Bipartisan Efforts to Combat Terrorist Travel
05/21/2015 Rep. Gosar & House Colleagues Demand Obama Administration Resume Operation Streamline
09/18/2014 Rep. Gosar Votes to Promote Job Growth, Prevent Catastrophic Wildfires
09/10/2014 Rep. Gosar Votes to Condemn Obama for Failure to Follow the Law on Bergdahl Exchange
06/13/2014 Rep. Gosar Demands Adminstration Immediately Terminate Alien Smuggling Policy
02/20/2014 Yarnell Fire District to Receive Vital Firefighter Grant
09/20/2013 Rep. Gosar's Wildfire Prevention Act Passes House
09/17/2013 Rep. Gosar's Wildfire Prevention Bill Scheduled for Vote by Full House
09/13/2013 Obama Administration Rejects Aid for Fire Victims of Yarnell and Peeple's Valley
07/24/2013 Rep. Gosar Votes To Restore Civil Liberties and Uphold The Constitution
07/12/2013 Rep. Paul Gosar on the Resignation of Janet Napolitano
07/20/2012 Witnesses Emphasize Need for Bills to Reduce Risk of Megafires to Aid Forest Health, Protect Local Communities, Create Jobs
06/21/2012 The Arizona Republic - Arizona wildfires: Poco Fire tops 11,000 acres
05/01/2012 Representative Gosar Unveils Draft Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Legislation

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