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Ben Quayle's Public Statements

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Date Title
06/27/2012 Denounce Obama's Declaration of War against Arizona
06/26/2012 Letter to the Honorable Peter T. King, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security
06/25/2012 Quayle Reacts to S.B. 1070 Supreme Court Decision
06/21/2012 Quayle, Gowdy Introduce Resolution Calling for Outside Counsel to Investigate Security Leaks
06/21/2012 Quayle, Gowdy Introduce Resolution Calling for Outside Counsel to Investigate Security Leaks
06/20/2012 Quayle Commends Oversight Committee Contempt Vote Against Holder
06/19/2012 Hearing of the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - Best Practices in Transforming Research into Innovation: Creative Approaches to the Bayh-Dole Act
06/18/2012 Quayle Introduces Bill to Stop Obama Immigration Edict
06/15/2012 Quayle Decries Cynical Obama Administration Immigration Policy Changes
06/08/2012 Letter to Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy - Memorandum for Power Marketing Administrators
06/07/2012 Quayle Reiterates Call for Holder Resignation Following Hearing
06/06/2012 Quayle Praises Signing of "Border Tunnel Prevention Act"
06/06/2012 Obamacare Propaganda
06/01/2012 Quayle Responds to Disappointing Jobs Report
05/31/2012 Subcommittee Examines Administration's New Billion Dollar Manufacturing Proposal
05/31/2012 Hearing of the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - Examining the Proposed National Network for Manufacturing Innovation
05/21/2012 Quayle Introduces "Second Amendment Sovereignty Act"
05/21/2012 Subcommittee Field Hearing: Stopping the Flow of Illicit Drugs in Arizona by Leveraging State, Local and Federal Information Sharing
05/20/2012 Letter to Constituents
05/19/2012 Homeland Security Border and Maritime Security Subcommittee to Hold Field Hearing
05/18/2012 Quayle to House Leadership: "Too Little, Too Late" on Holder Letter
05/17/2012 Witnesses Discuss Importance of Firefighter Training and Research through US Fire Administration
05/17/2012 Hearing of the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee of the Senate Science, Space, and Technology Committee - Working for a Fire Safe America: Examining United States Fire Administration Priorities
05/17/2012 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House, Mcarthy, Majority Whip, and Cantor, Majority Leader
05/16/2012 Quayle Praises Passage of Border Tunnel Prevention Bill

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