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Ruben Gallego's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (AZ) - Sr

Date Title
08/08/2023 Gallego Applauds Biden for Establishing the Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni -- Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument
08/01/2022 Legislation to Address Drought and Protect Americans from Wildfires with Gallego Provisions
04/19/2022 Gallego and Watson Coleman Introduce Bill to Combat the Causes and Impacts of Excess Urban Heat
07/15/2021 Rep. Gallego Praises USDA Decision to Restore Roadless Rule in Tongass National Forest
01/15/2020 Rep. Gallego Calls for Major Disaster Declaration in Response to Puerto Rico Earthquakes
12/17/2019 Reps. Gallego and DeGette Lead 74 Representatives in Letter Opposing Administration Plan to Strip Protections from Tongass National Forest
10/15/2019 Chair Grijalva, Leading Democrats Promise Oversight of Trump Administration Proposal to Remove Protections for Millions of Acres of American Rainforest
07/26/2019 Leading Democrats Reject Trump Administration Management Plan for Bears Ears National Monument -- Chair Grijalva Calls Release "Cynical"
02/05/2019 Rep. Ruben Gallego Statement on the Nomination of David Bernhardt as Interior Secretary
10/10/2017 Rep. Gallego Statement on the Trump Administration's Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
04/04/2017 Reps. Huffman, Fitzpatrick, Gallego, & LoBiondo Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
09/15/2016 Rep. Ruben Gallego Congratulates City of Phoenix on Federal SAFER Grant to Hire 50 Firefighters
12/14/2015 Rep. Ruben Gallego Statement on Paris Climate Summit Agreement
02/26/2015 Natural Resources Democrats, Leading Latino Organizations Conclude Historic Roundtable on an Inclusive Environmental Agenda
01/28/2015 Rep. Ruben Gallego Joins the Quiet Skies Caucus