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Ruben Gallego's Public Statements on Issue: Women


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (AZ) - Sr

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Date Title
02/26/2018 Letter to Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Push To Protect Patients From Discrimination
12/15/2017 Letter to the Hon. Mac Thornberry, the Hon. Adam Smith, the Hon. Edward Royce, the Hon. Eliot Engel, the Hon. Michael McCaul, the Hon. Bennie Thompson, the Hon. Devin Nunes, and the Hon. Adam Schiff - 42 Members of the House Call for Hearings on Sexual Misconduct in the National Security Workforce
11/09/2017 Letter to the Hon. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States - Grijalva and Bass: Mistreatment of Pregnant Women in Prison and Detention Facilities Must Be Addressed
10/31/2017 Letter to the Hon. Elaine Duke, DHS Acting Secretary - Congress Demand Answers on Reports of Increased Detention of Pregnant Women
10/26/2017 Letter to the Hon. Steven Mnuchin, the Hon. Alexander Acosta, and the Hon. Eric Hargan - Reverse Birth Control Access Rollback
10/03/2017 Rep. Gallego on Misguided & Unconstitutional GOP Attempt to Restrict Women's Access to Health Care
07/25/2017 Letter to the Hon. Thomas E. Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Cuts to Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
04/04/2017 Rep. Gallego Statement on Equal Pay Day
03/08/2017 Rep. Gallego Issues Statement in Honor of International Women's Day
01/19/2017 Letter to Hon. Donald Trump, President-elect - Affordable Care Act and Planned Parenthood
12/19/2016 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump - Protect Women's Right to Choose
06/27/2016 Rep. Ruben Gallego on the Supreme Court's Decision in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt
05/24/2016 Letter to the Hon. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House - Disband the Select Panel
05/12/2016 Letter to the Honorable Janet Yellen, Chair, Federal Reserve Board of Governors - Calling for Diversity at the Federal Reserve Bank
04/28/2016 Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House and the Honorable Marsha Blackburn, Chairman of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives - Panel Concerns
03/31/2016 Letter to the Hon. Jenny Yang, Chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - Fight The Wage Gap
03/31/2016 Letter to Director Jarvis - Call for National Park Service to Conduct Agency-wide Sexual Harassment Survey
04/14/2015 On Equal Pay Day, Rep. Gallego Calls for Passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act
03/25/2015 Rep. Gallego, DeLauro Reintroduce Paycheck Fairness Act to End Wage Discrimination
03/02/2015 Congressman Ruben Gallego on Women's History Month
01/22/2015 On the Anniversary of the Supreme Court Decision on Roe v. Wade, GOP Attacks Women Again
10/14/2014 Stand Up For Choice
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Paycheck Fairness
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Choice

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