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Rick Scott's Public Statements on Issue: Religion


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (FL) - Jr

Date Title
10/30/2022 Tweet - "Antisemitism will never be tolerated and has no place in the state of Florida or the United States. Hatred against the Jewish community and disgusting displays like yesterday's are unacceptable."
10/27/2022 Tweet - "Everyone should have the right to practice their religion freely, but for many around the globe, like the Uyghurs in Communist China, that isn't the case. (1/2)"
10/24/2022 Tweet - "Ann and I wish all who celebrate a very happy #Diwali! May this year's festival of lights be full of joyous celebration with family and friends."
10/05/2022 Tweet - "Chag Sameach to all Floridians observing #YomKippur."
10/04/2022 Tweet - "Wishing Florida's vibrant Jewish community observing #YomKippur an easy and meaningful fast. G'mar Chatima Tova."
10/04/2022 Tweet - "It was great visiting with Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz, Eran Hazan and Consul of @IsraelinMiami @ElbazStarinsky at Chabad Lubavitch. I'm grateful for the great work they are doing to provide food and water to those in need throughout Fort Myers."
08/19/2022 Tweet - ". @RogerWaters is set to perform in Miami, but we won't ignore his long history of gross anti-semitism and hatred for Israel."
06/27/2022 Tweet - "Today's decision once again rightly affirms the constitutional right to freely exercise one's religious beliefs and that discrimination has no place in our country. #SCOTUS"
04/27/2022 Tweet - "I was honored to join my Senate colleagues to tour the newly re-opened Washington D.C. Temple. Thank you, @SenatorRomney and @SenMikeLee , for sharing this important and historic church with us. #dctemple"
04/22/2022 Tweet - "The hateful & anti-Semitic flyers seen in Boca Raton have no place in our state or our nation. Floridians are SICK & TIRED of this disgusting hate. It must end NOW. We will not be intimidated & will always stand strongly & proudly with our Jewish communities."
04/17/2022 Tweet - "Ann and I are wishing families in Florida and around the world a happy Easter! May it be filled with joy, hope and love spent with family and friends. #HeIsRisen"
01/30/2022 Tweet - "The hateful & anti-Semitic demonstrations reported in Florida today have no place in our state. Across America, we've seen a heartbreaking & disgusting rise in hate like this. We must always condemn it & continue to stand strongly with our Jewish communities."
01/25/2022 Tweet - "Honored to meet with members of South Florida's Jewish community today. We're so grateful for their support every day & are especially grateful for their strength & guidance after Surfside & recent anti-Semitic attacks. I'll always stand with our Jewish community & ally Israel."
11/28/2021 Tweet - "Tonight marks the beginning of #Hanukkah. Wishing all in our Jewish communities in Florida & across the nation a wonderful holiday season reflecting on this year's blessings. May this Festival of Lights be full of peace, joy, love & health spent with family & friends."