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Rick Scott's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (FL) - Jr

Date Title
11/04/2022 Tweet - "If America adds jobs, the unemployment rate should go down. Last month, unemployment went up. The reality of @JoeBiden 's failed economic policies is fewer employed Americans and more working part-time jobs."
11/04/2022 Tweet - "Democrats are so desperate to change the narrative about @JoeBiden 's economic nightmare, they aren't telling you the full story. "Gaining" 200K jobs, while losing 433K full-time jobs isn't something to celebrate. It's a blow to hardworking Americans."
11/04/2022 Tweet - "October's jobs report reveals a distressing reality for American workers. 433,000 full-time jobs lost. Only 164,000 part-time jobs were added. High prices are forcing Americans to work multiple jobs to make ends meet & full-time jobs w/benefits are becoming hard to find."
06/22/2022 Tweet - ". @JoeBiden and the radical Left are waging a war on work. They want to make hardworking Americans totally dependent on the gov't. That needs to end. If we want to rescue America, it's time to get back to work. #LetsGetToWorkAct"
05/16/2022 Tweet - "For over a year, I've been calling on the Biden admin to fight fraud and abuse of enhanced unemployment benefits. Wasting $163 BILLION of taxpayer dollars to pay people more to stay home than go to work with zero gov't accountability is UNACCEPTABLE. Americans deserve answers."
01/12/2022 Tweet - "Americans are fed up with Joe Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandates. I joined @SenTedCruz, @RepChipRoy, @RepMikeJohnson & our colleagues in an amicus brief this week to fight for the rights of federal workers & contractors."
01/04/2022 Tweet - "I came to Washington to help folks like my mom, who I watched struggle to make ends meet for our family. In 2022, I'm continuing to fight for what all families deserve: a strong job growth, better education systems & safer neighborhoods."