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Rick Scott's Public Statements on Issue: Arts, Entertainment, and History


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (FL) - Jr

Date Title
03/17/2022 Letter to Adam Silver, Commissioner of the National Basketball Association - Rubio Joins Waltz, Republican Colleagues in Letter Demanding the NBA Stand Up for Human Rights in China
01/11/2022 Letter to Hon. Jon Tester, Chairman U.S. Senate Committee on Veteran's Affairs, Hon. Jerry Moran, Ranking Member U.S. Senate Committee on Veteran's Affairs, Hon. Mark Takano, Chairman U.S. House Committee on Veteran's Affairs, Hon. Mike Bost, Ranking Member U.S. House Committee on Veteran's Affairs, Rubio Leads Florida Delegation in Urging VA Committees to Move Bipartisan Bill
12/06/2021 Letter to Adam Silver, NBA Commissioner - Meeting to Discuss Communist China
04/30/2021 Letter to Mr. Jeffrey Bezos, Chief Executive Officer of Amazon - Lankford, Colleagues Condemn Amazon for Removing Justice Clarence Thomas Documentary
04/29/2021 Letter to the Hon. Jeffrey Bezos, CEO of Amazon - Cotton, Colleagues Condemn Amazon for Removing Justice Clarence Thomas Documentary
03/15/2021 Letter to Mr. Rob Fairweather, Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget - Sen. Rick Scott Urges Biden Administration to Protect Americans and Rescind Wasteful Funding in the Democrats' Spending Bill
09/11/2020 Letter to Bob Chapek, CEO of Walt Disney Company - Rubio, Colleagues Send Letter to Disney CEO Over Filming in Xinjiang Where More Than a Million Uyghurs Are in Camps
08/06/2020 Letter to Mr. Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee - Sen. Rick Scott Requests Meeting with IOC President Bach on Moving 2022 Olympic Games Out of Communist China
12/05/2019 Letter to Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee - Hawley, Colleagues Urge Olympic Committee to Hold China Accountable and Ensure Human Rights Upheld at 2022 Beijing Olympics
08/05/2019 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo - Baldwin, Rubio Lead 86 Senators in Calling on Secretary Pompeo to Urge Poland to Support Restitution for Holocaust Victims and their Families
06/08/2016 Letter to The Honorable Penny Pritzker, Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce - Urging Extension of Red Snapper Season
04/17/2014 Letter to Penny Pritzker, Secretary US Department of Commerce - Allow More Fishing Opportunities