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James Lankford's Public Statements on Issue: Religion

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Date Title
09/20/2022 PASSED: Lankford, Rubio Effort To Authorize Vital Commission Aimed at Supporting Religious Freedom Internationally
09/20/2022 Risch, Rubio, Colleagues Applaud House Passage of Bill to Reauthorize USCIRF
06/27/2022 Lankford Celebrates Victory for Religious Liberty with Supreme Court Decision in Favor of Coach Kennedy
06/21/2022 Lankford Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Affirm Once Again that Faith-Based Organizations Can Partner with Government
06/09/2022 Rubio, Colleagues Applaud Committee Passage of Bill to Reauthorize United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
06/09/2022 Lankford, Rubio, Colleagues Applaud Move to Bring Reauthorization of US Commission on International Religious Freedom to Full Senate
03/24/2022 Lankford, Colleagues Work to Protect Privacy of Americans Filing Religious Accommodations from COVID Vaccine
03/22/2022 Risch Joins Rubio, Colleagues in Introducing Bill to Reauthorize the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
10/27/2021 Rosen, Lankford Statement on Third Anniversary of Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting
10/19/2021 Bicameral Group Urges Supreme Court to Hear Case on Coach's Right to Pray
10/19/2021 Rubio, Lankford, Hartzler, Colleagues Stand for Coach's Right to Pray
06/17/2021 Lankford Applauds Unanimous Supreme Court Ruling, as Senate Prepares to Take Up Equality Act
06/08/2021 As Antisemitism Surges Worldwide, Rosen and Lankford Lead Over Half of the U.S. Senate in Re-Launching the Senate Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism
05/28/2021 Lankford, Rosen Lead Over Half the Senate to Condemn Recent Global Surge of Antisemitism, Call on Leaders to Act
05/27/2021 Rosen, Lankford Lead Over Half the Senate in Introducing Bipartisan Resolution Condemning Recent Global Surge of Antisemitism, Calling on Leaders to Act
03/10/2021 Lankford Protects Faith-based Adoption Providers
06/10/2020 Lankford Praises Annual Work to Highlight and Eliminate International Religious Persecution
02/14/2020 Congressman Lamborn Joins Lawmakers Signing an Amicus Brief Supporting Religious Liberty
01/28/2020 Senators Lankford and Rosen Applaud Signature into Law of Bipartisan Bill to Increase Security for Houses of Worship
02/04/2019 Scalise, Hice, Johnson, Lankford Reintroduce Free Speech Fairness Act
10/06/2018 Senator Lankford Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators to Denounce China's Human Rights Abuses
06/04/2018 Senator Lankford Applauds Supreme Court Masterpiece Cakeshop Ruling
01/24/2018 Senator Lankford Applauds Senate Confirmation of Gov. Brownback as International Religious Freedom Ambassador
01/18/2018 Senator Lankford Applauds New HHS Civil Rights Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom
01/02/2018 Senator Lankford Applauds FEMA For Including Houses of Worship in Disaster Assistance

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