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James Lankford's Public Statements on Issue: Reproduction

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Date Title
02/01/2023 Thune, Lankford Introduce Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
08/18/2022 Inhofe Joins Bill Prohibiting Taxpayer Funded Abortions For Illegal Immigrants
07/05/2022 Lankford, Rubio, Colleagues Move to Block Biden from Declaring Federal Emergency for Abortions
06/24/2022 Lankford Overjoyed the Supreme Court Chose Life
03/25/2022 Rubio Joins Hyde-Smith, Lankford Effort to Overturn HHS Abortion Financing Rule
03/24/2022 Lankford, Hyde-Smith Lead Effort to Stop Biden from Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions
03/18/2022 Blackburn, Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Effort to Nullify Biden Administration Rule, Stop Federal Grants to Abortion Providers
03/17/2022 Lankford, Rubio and Colleagues Want to Nullify Biden Administration Rule, Stop Federal Grants to Abortion Providers
03/11/2022 Lankford, Colleagues Want Moms to Have Access to Ultrasounds So They Can Choose Life
11/01/2021 Daines, Lankford: Democrats' Reckless Tax & Spending Bill Violates Hyde Amendment, Expands Taxpayer Funding for Abortions
10/06/2021 Lankford Pushes Back on Biden For Using Taxpayer Dollars for Abortion
09/09/2021 Lankford Joins Oklahomans to Stand for Life
08/24/2021 Lankford Stands Up for Conscience Rights Against the Most Pro-Abortion President
08/12/2021 Lankford, Cotton, Harris Lead Colleagues to Demand Justice for Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers
08/10/2021 Lankford Protects Lives of the Unborn, Successfully Prevents Taxpayers from Being Forced to Fund Abortions
08/10/2021 Lankford Prioritizes Protection of the Unborn During Budget Debate
07/30/2021 Lankford, Colleagues Urge SCOTUS to Overturn Roe v. Wade
07/01/2021 Blackburn, Colleagues Reintroduce the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act
07/01/2021 Lankford, Blackburn Work to End Taxpayer Support for Abortion
06/10/2021 Lankford Speaks on Biden Administration's Lack of Law Enforcement at the Border, IRS leaks, Keystone Pipeline, And More
05/17/2021 Lankford Joins Amicus Brief to Protect Babies With Down Syndrome
04/27/2021 Lankford, Marshall, Murphy Want to Keep PPP Tax Dollars from Abortion Providers
04/22/2021 Sen. Blackburn Introduces the Woman's Right to Know Act
04/20/2021 Inhofe, Lankford, Daines Push Senate to Protect Life
04/16/2021 Lankford, Ernst Bill Prevents Taxpayers from Funding Planned Parenthood

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