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Mike Pompeo's Public Statements

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Date Title
05/26/2016 New Pompeo, Cornyn Bill Forces Administration to Hold Iran Accountable for Possible Geneva Violations
05/25/2016 Pompeo Issues Statement on the State Department Inspector General Report on Hillary Clinton's Usage of a Private Email Server
05/25/2016 Letter to The Honorable Fed Upton, Chairman House Committee on Energy and Commerce - Investigation of Lifeline Program
05/24/2016 Pompeo Issues Statement on Cargill's Announcement about Keeping Jobs in Wichita
05/23/2016 Pompeo Issues Statement Regarding Meeting on VA Choice at the Dole VA Medical Center
05/23/2016 Letter to The Honorable Tom Vilsack, Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Warning USDA of Uncertainty, Potential Trade Disruptions in Proposed Biotech Revisions
05/18/2016 Pompeo Reacts to New Department of Labor Overtime Rule
05/18/2016 Pompeo Reacts to House Passage of NDAA Amendment Relating To Cooperation between Iran & Russia
05/10/2016 Pompeo Reacts to Iranian Missile Launch & Obama Administration Dishonesty
05/05/2016 Rep. Valadao Concludes First Stop on Middle East CODEL
05/05/2016 Letter to the Honorable Tom Wheeler, Chariman of the Federal Communications Commission - Set Top Box Proposal Opposition
05/02/2016 Letter to the Hon. Andy Slavitt, Actiong Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid - Prevent Administration's Medicare Experiment
04/29/2016 Pompeo Introduces Bill Prohibiting U.S. Purchase of Iranian Nuclear Material
04/29/2016 Pompeo Introduces Two Bills to Ensure a Fair and Credible FTC Administrative Process
04/27/2016 Pompeo Criticizes U.S. Purchase of Iranian Nuclear Material
04/27/2016 Letter to the Honorable Penny Pritzker, Secretary of the US Department of Commerce, the Honorable Jack Lew, Secretary of the US Department of the Treasury, and the Honorable John Kerry, Secretary of the US Department of State - Pittenger Challenges Obama On Iran Sanctions Violations
04/26/2016 Letter to Dr. Robert M. Califf, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - Sen. Cruz, Others Hammer FDA on Relaxed Standards for Abortion Drug
04/25/2016 Letter to Dr. Robert M. Califf, M.D., Commissioner of the Food and Drug Association - Lawmakers Demand Information about Obama's Loosening of Abortion Drug Rules
04/20/2016 Pompeo on Victory for Victims of Iranian Terror
04/20/2016 Letter to the Honorable Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Management of EPA Funds Spent on Lobbying Efforts
04/20/2016 Letter to Administratior McCarthy - Demand for Answers from EPA on Taxpayer Money Spent on Lobbying Efforts
04/20/2016 Roskam, Pompeo, Zeldin Work to Prevent Iran's Access to U.S. Dollars
04/18/2016 Pompeo on Transfer of Nine GTMO Detainees to Saudi Arabia
04/15/2016 Pompeo Criticizes Visit by Iranian Banker with History of Terrorism Support and Scandal
04/13/2016 Rep. Pompeo: "It is time for Congress to pass the Kelsey Smith Act."

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