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Ron Johnson's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

Date Title
03/01/2022 Sen. Johnson Releases Statement on State of the Union Address
11/01/2021 ICYMI: Police Union Endorses Blackburn's Effort To Stop Biden's Vaccine Mandates From Firing Workers
10/26/2021 Blackburn Leads Effort To Save COVID Heroes From Being Fired Due to Biden's Vaccine Mandate
06/11/2021 Sen. Ron Johnson Introduces Iran Nuclear Treaty Act to Place Constitutional Check on Iran Deal
06/08/2021 Sen. Johnson Presses Secretary Blinken on Biden Foreign Policy Weaknesses
05/26/2021 Sen. Johnson: Any Agreement with Iran Involves Risks That Affect Our Entire Nation
12/18/2019 Senators seek interviews with former Obama Administration officials regarding Burisma Holdings and Hunter Biden
03/06/2019 Bicameral, Bipartisan Committee Heads Respond to GAO's 2019 High Risk Report
08/30/2017 McCaskill, Johnson Request Details on Cybersecurity Plans Following President Trump's Executive Order
03/27/2017 President Trump Signs Johnson, Alexander Resolution into Law to Repeal Burdensome Blacklisting Rule
02/28/2017 Johnson Invites Right to Try Advocate Tim Wendler of Pewaukee to Presidential Address
04/30/2015 Sens. Carper, Johnson Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Presidential Transitions
03/24/2015 HSGAC Urges the President and His Agency Heads to Appoint Permanent Inspectors General
09/26/2012 Hatch, Colleagues File Amicus Brief in Suit Over Unconstitutional NLRB Recess Appointments
02/03/2012 Senate GOP to Challenge President's "Recess' Appointments
02/07/2011 Senator Rand Paul Introduces REINS Act