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Reid Ribble's Public Statements on Issue: Government Operations

Date Title
08/20/2015 A Solution to Our Broken Budget Process
03/17/2015 Ribble Sponsors Bipartisan Measure to Eliminate Outdated Government Regulations
03/11/2015 Lawmakers Offer Bills to Reform Redistricting
03/10/2015 Ribble, Cooper Push to End Gerrymandering, Reform Redistricting
02/04/2015 Baldwin, Ribble Secure $2 Million Payment from Army Corps of Engineers to Wisconsin
01/30/2015 Ribble Cosponsors Bill to End Congressional Pensions
01/29/2015 Congressman Ribble Joins Amicus Brief to SCOTUS to Fight Gerrymandering
01/28/2015 Rep. Reid Ribble Re-Launches the Congressional Dairy Farmer Caucus
01/28/2015 DeSantis Introduces Bill to End Congressional Pensions
01/26/2015 Congressman Lowenthal Leads Bipartisan Amicus Brief To Supreme Court Defending Voters' and States' Rights
01/07/2015 Ribble Introduces No Budget, No Pay in 114th Congress
12/10/2014 Ribble Helps Introduce Amendment to Ban Funds for President Obama's Immigration Order
10/29/2013 Ribble Biennial Budgeting Bill Has More Than 100 Cosponsors
08/01/2013 Ribble Introduces Legislation Banning Members of Congress from Receiving Health Care Benefits for Life
01/23/2013 No Budget No Pay Passes House
05/16/2012 Schrader, Rigell, Ribble, Cooper Launch Bipartisan Fix Congress Now Caucus
04/26/2012 Ribble Bill Ready for Floor Action
04/24/2012 Ribble Bill Protects Job Creators from Costly, Last Minute Regulations
01/25/2012 Quigley, Conaway Bill to Improve CFTC Cost-Benefit Analysis Passes House Committee
10/13/2010 President Obama Admits Stimulus Failure
10/04/2010 Daily Series to Highlight Support of Local Doctors Backing Ribble Over Kagen