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Suzan DelBene's Public Statements on Issue: Family

  • U.S. House (WA) - District 1, Democratic Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair

On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (WA) - District 1

Date Title
06/22/2022 DelBene, Ways & Means Members Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Ensure Parents Have Access to Affordable Baby Formula
02/08/2021 DelBene, DeLauro, Torres Introduce Legislation to Expand the Child Tax Credit to Permanently Give Families Monthly Payments and Cut Child Poverty Nearly in Half
09/26/2017 DelBene Calls for Clean Reauthorization of Home Visiting Program
09/14/2017 DelBene Helps Introduce the Child Care for Working Families Act
07/14/2017 DelBene's Fix for Survivors of Child Abuse Clears House in Must-Pass Legislation
06/28/2017 DelBene's Fix for Survivors of Child Abuse Clears Committee, Heads to Floor
05/25/2017 Reps Danny K. Davis (D-IL07) And Suzan K. Delbene (D-WA01) Introduce The Child Care And Dependent Credit Enhancement Act Of 2017
05/25/2017 Reps. Davis, DelBene Introduce The Child Care and Dependent Credit Enhancement Act of 2017
09/13/2016 DelBene: It's a Smart Investment to Provide Job Training to Those on Nutrition Assistance
08/11/2016 DelBene: No Child Should Have to Go Hungry Because It's Summer
03/16/2016 Washington Delegation Urges Continued Progress by DRC on Adoption Permits
02/26/2016 DelBene: Unaccompanied Children Deserve Due Process
05/28/2015 DelBene: Family Detention is Unacceptable
03/26/2015 DelBene Statement on House Passage of SGR Repeal and CHIP Extension
09/29/2014 DelBene Announces Federal Funding for Kirkland's Friends of Youth
06/27/2013 DelBene Cosponsors Legislation to Fully Repeal the Discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act
03/01/2013 212 Members of Congress File Historic Amicus Brief on DOMA Case before U.S. Supreme Court