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Suzan DelBene's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

  • U.S. House (WA) - District 1, Democratic Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair

On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (WA) - District 1

Date Title
03/22/2022 Letter to Antony Blinken, Secretary of State - Collins, King Join Bipartisan, Bicameral Group Urging Administration to Help Unite Ukrainian Children with American Adoptive Families
10/13/2021 DelBene, Champion for Safely Reopening Northern Border, Welcomes Biden Administration's Announcement
01/28/2021 New Democrat Coalition Unveils First 100 Days Policy Priorities
03/11/2020 DelBene Calls for End to Public Charge Policy
05/17/2018 DelBene Signs Discharge Petition on Immigration Bills, Urges Republicans to Follow Suit
09/05/2017 DelBene: Ending DACA Harms Our Communities, Economy
07/28/2017 DelBene Helps Introduce Bill to Protect Dreamers from Deportation
01/30/2017 We Must Rescind Trump's Reckless Executive Order -- a Cruel Targeting of Individuals Based on Religion, Nationality
01/28/2017 Reps. DelBene and Jayapal Hail Judicial Orders Keeping Immigrants From Being Turned Away
06/23/2016 DelBene: SCOTUS Decision Leaves Families in Limbo
03/17/2016 DelBene to Ryan: Let Congress Vote on Immigration Reform
03/16/2016 DelBene Blasts Xenophobic Anti-Refugee Bill
02/26/2016 DelBene: Unaccompanied Children Deserve Due Process
12/04/2015 DelBene Signs Brief Urging Review of Texas v. United States
11/25/2015 WA Leaders: Reject Fear & Panic Surrounding Refugee Resettlement
07/02/2015 DelBene Hears From First District Immigrants
05/26/2015 DelBene: Allowing Work Permits for H-1B Spouses is the Right Thing to Do
05/06/2015 Delbene Tours Northwest Detention Center
04/06/2015 DelBene Signs Brief Supporting Immigration Executive Actions
01/14/2015 DelBene: House Leadership Should Allow Vote on Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Not Deport Children
06/23/2014 DelBene, Jeffries and Other House Members Introduce Legislation to Provide Legal Representation of Unaccompanied Minors
06/12/2014 Quigley, DelBene Urge President to Enact More Humane Immigration Deportation and Detention Policy
10/02/2013 DelBene Introduces New Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill
05/08/2013 DelBene Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Stop Border Fee