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Tom Reed II's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

Date Title
02/02/2021 Rep. Reed Statement on Siemens Energy Downsizing in Olean
01/08/2020 Schweikert Joins Bipartisan Tech-Neutral Tax Credit to Incentivize New Clean Energy Sources
12/04/2019 Reed's bill for long term West Valley funding heading to Trump's desk to be signed into law
07/12/2019 Reps. Kind and Reed Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Make Alternative Energy Options Affordable for Wisconsin's Dairy Farmers
11/29/2018 Reed Introduces Technology-Neutral Tax Credit to Ensure America Regains Crown in Energy Innovation
07/23/2018 Senate & House Armed Services Committees Complete Conference On FY19 National Defense Authorization Act
11/03/2017 Reed Champions "All of the Above" Energy Tax Changes
04/07/2016 Reed Calls for Repowering of Cayuga, Greenidge and NRG Power Plants
03/23/2015 Reed Highlights Dems Fractures on Fracking
01/21/2015 My Initial Thoughts: State of the State
01/09/2015 Reed Applauds Passage of Bill Approving Keystone Pipeline
12/17/2014 Reed Calls Fracking Ban "Devastating" to Southern Tier Economy
01/28/2014 Statement from Rep. Tom Reed on President Obama's 2014 State of the Union Address
07/26/2013 Natural Gas Caucus Convenes Field Hearing in Williamsport Pennsylvania on Economic Benefits of Gas Production in Marcellus Shale Region
07/17/2012 Reed Says That Energy Growth Equals Job Growth; Congressman Calls for expanding use of domestic energy to create manufacturing jobs
01/24/2012 Statement from Congressman Tom Reed on President Obama's State of the Union Address
06/23/2011 Reed Calls White House Decision to Tap Strategic Petroleum Reserve "Reckless" Calls for Comprehensive Domestic Energy Policy to Spur Jobs and the Economy
03/02/2011 Reed Joins Colleagues in Urging President Obama to Resume Gulf Exploration; Calls for Action to Protect Jobs and Develop Domestic Energy Resources