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Darin LaHood's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (IL) - District 16

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Date Title
07/02/2020 USMCA Enters Into Force
06/25/2020 Rep. LaHood Opposes Democrats' Politicized Policing Bill
06/23/2020 Rep. LaHood Holds Virtual Veterans Advisory Board Meeting
05/26/2020 Bustos, LaHood Advocate to Keep Firefighters on the Job in Call to FEMA
05/21/2020 LaHood, Larsen Condemn China's Proposed Hong Kong Security Law
05/21/2020 Illinois GOP Asks Pritzker for Transparency Regarding State and Local Funding
05/15/2020 Illinois GOP Delegation Urges Congress to Prevent Governors From Withholding Federally Appropriated Funding From Municipalities
05/15/2020 Rep. LaHood Opposes Democrats' Effort to Put Politics Over COVID-19 Relief
05/13/2020 Reps. LaHood and Wenstrup Applaud IRS Guidance to Provide Flexibility for Individuals with FSAs and DCFSAs
05/13/2020 Durbin, Duckworth, Davis, LaHood Discuss COVID-19 Response With Illinois Hospitals
05/12/2020 Rep. LaHood Announces Over $10.2 Million in Funding for Greater Peoria Mass Transit District
05/12/2020 Rep. LaHood Introduces Bill to Provide Flexibility for Businesses in Paycheck Protection Program
05/08/2020 Bustos Leads Illinois Congressional Delegation in Call for Extension of National Guard Coronavirus Response Efforts
05/07/2020 Brady Applauds LaHood's Appointment to China Task Force
05/05/2020 Rep. LaHood Announces Over $81.5 Million in CARES Funding for IL18 Health Providers
05/05/2020 LaHood, Davis Announce CARES Act Funding for Springfield Mass Transit District
05/05/2020 Davis, LaHood Announce CARES Act Funding for Springfield Mass Transit District
04/23/2020 Rep. LaHood Supports Coronavirus Relief Bill
04/16/2020 Rep. LaHood: Democrats Shouldn't Stand in the Way of Paychecks for Workers and Families
04/02/2020 Rep. LaHood Applauds Automatic Coronavirus Relief Payments for Social Security Recipients
03/14/2020 Rep. LaHood Supports Families First Coronavirus Response Act
02/27/2020 LaHood, Bipartisan, Bicameral Group Introduce Legislation to Improve Hemophilia Patients' Access to Health Care
02/18/2020 Illinois House Republican Delegation Statement on the Commutation of Rod Blagojevich's Sentence
02/05/2020 LaHood Reacts to the Senate's Acquittal of President Trump
02/04/2020 Rep. LaHood Statement on President Trump's State of the Union Address

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