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Eric Swalwell's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 14

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Date Title
02/28/2017 Swalwell Responds to President Trump's Address to Congress
02/22/2017 Lujan Grisham Joins Effort to Create Independent Commission to Investigate Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections
01/19/2017 More than 170 Members of House Join Effort to Create Independent Commission to Investigate Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections
01/12/2017 Hatch, Feinstein, Sensenbrenner, and Swalwell Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Rapid DNA Legislation
09/29/2016 Leaders of the Future Forum Introduce Bill to Provide Student Debt Relief for Young Entrepreneurs
09/26/2016 Scott, Nadler and 68 Members of Congress Applaud NLRB's Columbia University Decision
08/08/2016 Swalwell Leads CA Members in Urging EPA to Support Renewable Fuels
07/15/2016 New Swalwell Bill Would Help Borrowers Better Understand and Repay Student Loans
07/15/2016 Swalwell and District Attorney Nancy O'Malley Host Member of British Parliament to Discuss Gun Violence
07/14/2016 Perlmutter, Democrats Lead Effort to Force Vote on Student Loan Debt Refinancing Bill
07/06/2016 Moulton and Hurd Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Make Government More Efficient, Save Taxpayer Dollars
06/22/2016 Swalwell Joins, Broadcasts Democratic Sit-In Demanding Votes on Gun Violence Legislation
06/03/2016 Swalwell Visits Pakistan to Discuss Anti-Terror Efforts
05/12/2016 Sarbanes Joins Congressional Environmental Leaders in Applauding New EPA Rule Curbing Methane Emissions
05/11/2016 Swalwell Introduces Fairness in Forgiveness Act to Help National Lab Employees
04/01/2016 Menendez, Booker Join Colleagues, Former Members of Congress in Filing Amicus Brief in Support of President Obama's Clean Power Plan
03/30/2016 Swalwell Convenes Talks on Juvenile Justice, Breaking Cycle of Poverty and Crime
03/29/2016 Honda Leads Congressional Letter in Support of Presidential Gun Violence Initiatives
03/23/2016 Swalwell Leads the Call for Strong Transit Security Funding
03/21/2016 Swalwell Rallies Support for Projects to Benefit Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Labs
03/17/2016 At Urging of Sharing Economy Caucus Co-Chairs, GSA Will Remind Federal Agencies About Ridesharing Services
03/16/2016 Swalwell and Lofgren Urge Strong Support for American Leadership in Fusion Science
03/15/2016 Swalwell & 122 Members of Congress Urge Robust Funding for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Innovation
03/01/2016 Swalwell Co-sponsors Bipartisan Bill to Create National Commission on Digital Security
01/12/2016 Swalwell reacts to the State of the Union address

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