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Eric Swalwell's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 14

Date Title
06/02/2022 Swalwell Supports Valley Link's Advancement Into Federal Funding Pipeline
04/06/2022 To Prevent Violent "Air Rage' Incidents From Taking Off, Reed, Swalwell & Fitzpatrick Introduce Bill to Ground Unruly Passengers
09/30/2021 Swalwell Champions Bill to Create Solar Manufacturing Jobs in America
07/16/2021 Swalwell Introduces Two Bills to Improve how The U.S. Addresses Pandemics as National Security Threats
07/13/2021 Appropriations Subcommittees Approve Nine of Swalwell's Ten Community Project Funding Requests, Totaling $11,525,000
06/07/2021 Swalwell Advances $20 Million in Funding for Valley Link Project
06/11/2020 Huffman, Thompson, Eshoo, Lofgren, Matsui, Bera, Lamalfa, Swalwell, Desaulnier, Khanna, Panetta Introduce Utility Resilience and Reliability Act
05/09/2019 Bay Area Members Call for BART Core Capacity Project Funding
09/07/2017 House Approves Bipartisan Amendment to Improve Airport Perimeter Security
08/08/2016 Swalwell Leads CA Members in Urging EPA to Support Renewable Fuels
07/06/2016 Moulton and Hurd Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Make Government More Efficient, Save Taxpayer Dollars
03/23/2016 Swalwell Leads the Call for Strong Transit Security Funding
03/17/2016 At Urging of Sharing Economy Caucus Co-Chairs, GSA Will Remind Federal Agencies About Ridesharing Services
09/22/2015 Swalwell, California Representatives Call for Infrastructure Improvements at Livermore Labs
01/20/2015 Swalwell Supports Call for Paycheck Progress in State of the Union
09/05/2014 Swalwell Announces $614,000 Federal Grant for Hayward Fire Department
05/02/2014 Swalwell Tours San Jose Airport and Calls for Technology Solution to Airport Perimeter Security
02/12/2014 Swalwell Announces $4.1 Million Federal Grant for the Alameda County Fire Department
11/26/2013 Swalwell Announces Bill to Bring Federal Redevelopment Funding and Relief to CA Communities
08/23/2013 Rep. Swalwell Announces $12.8 Million in Federal Funding for BART Security Upgrades
06/05/2013 Swalwell Amendment Passes to Protect Mass Transit Systems from Terrorism
03/15/2013 Rep. Thompson, Rep Richmond Introduce Bill to Keep TSA in Check
05/29/2012 Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty Endorses Eric Swalwell for Congress